Class LM_Message

Version added: before 9.5
The LM_Message class is used to notify a script when certain actions take place, like a button being pressed or when a menu selection is made.

If necessary, instances of this class can be created by:

- Local variable:
local msg = LM.GUI.LM_Message:new_local()

- Global (see Script Structure about conventions for naming globals):
XX_msg = LM.GUI.LM_Message:new_local()

Methods of LM_Message:

Name Returns Description Ver
ClearKeys void < 9.5
CountKeys int32 < 9.5
GetBool bool < 9.5
GetColor rgb_color < 9.5
GetFloat real < 9.5
GetInt int32 < 9.5
GetKeyName char < 9.5
GetMessage LM_Message < 9.5
GetPoint Point < 9.5
GetPtr void < 9.5
GetRect Rect < 9.5
GetString char < 9.5
GetVector2 Vector2 < 9.5
GetVector3 Vector3 < 9.5
HasKey bool < 9.5
Remove void < 9.5
Set void < 9.5
SetPtr void < 9.5

Properties of LM_Message:

Name Type Description Ver
fWhat int32 The fWhat value of a message object indicates what the message is supposed to represent. For example, each button in a dialog should have been assigned a unique message value. When the dialog receives a message, this value tells it what to do. < 9.5