Class LayerComp

Version added: 10.1
This class represents the Layer Comp object from the Layers panel.

Methods of LayerComp:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddLayer void Add a layer to the comp 10.1
AutoAddChildLayers bool Add child layers to the comp as needed 12.4
AutoAddsGroupLayerChildren bool Getter method for group layer children 12.4
AutoAddsSwitchLayerChildren bool Getter method for switch layer children 12.4
ContainsLayer bool Check if the comp contains the layer 10.1
CountLayers int32 Count the number of layers in the comp 10.1
Name char Get the name of the comp 10.1
RemoveAllLayers void Remove all layers from the comp 10.1
RemoveLayer void Remove a single layer from the comp 10.1
SetAutoAddsGroupLayerChildren void Setter method for group layer children 12.4
SetAutoAddsSwitchLayerChildren void Setter method for switch layer children 12.4
SetName void Set the name of the comp 10.1