Class BoneLayer

Parent classes: GroupLayer < MohoLayer

Version added: before 9.5

Methods of BoneLayer:

Name Returns Description Ver
DrawHighlightedBone void Added in version 14.2 14.2
EvaluateWindTurbulentAngle float 13.5.2
EvaluateWindTurbulentStrength float 13.5.2
IsGrandpaBone bool Get nested layer control setting (Added in version 11) 11
SetGrandpaBone void Set nested layer control (Added in version 11) 11
Skeleton M_Skeleton < 9.5

Methods inherited from GroupLayer:

Name Returns Description Ver
CountLayers int32 Returns the number of sub-layers in the group < 9.5
DepthSort void Perform an incremental depth sort on the group's sub-layers < 9.5
EnableLayerOrdering void < 9.5
EnablePhysics void < 9.5
Expand void Expands or contracts the group in the Moho Layers window < 9.5
FullDepthSort void Perform a full depth sort on the group's sub-layers < 9.5
GetGroupMask int32 Returns the group's masking mode < 9.5
GetLayerOrdering AnimString This accesses the layer ordering animation channel which is an AnimString < 9.5
IsDepthSorted bool < 9.5
IsDistanceSorted bool < 9.5
IsExpanded bool Tests whether the group is expanded in the Moho Layers window < 9.5
IsLayerOrdered bool < 9.5
IsLayerOrderingEnabled bool < 9.5
IsLayerValid bool < 9.5
IsLayerValid bool Verifies if the given layer is located inside the group, with any nesting depth. < 9.5
IsMyChild bool < 9.5
IsPhysicsEnabled bool if frame is < 0, the return value is true if physics is *ever* enabled during the course of the animation < 9.5
Layer MohoLayer Returns a layer in the group (starting at 0 for the first layer) < 9.5
LayerByDepth MohoLayer Returns a layer in the group, ir order from furthest to nearest (starting at 0 for the furthest layer) < 9.5
LayerByName MohoLayer < 9.5
MostRecentPhysicsKeyframe int32 returns the most recent keyframe (before or at the given frame) for physics enablement < 9.5
MultiplePhysicsKeys bool < 9.5
PhysicsGravity Vector2 < 9.5
SetDepthSorted void < 9.5
SetDistanceSorted void < 9.5
SetGroupMask void Sets the group masking mode. 0=none, 1=all visible, 2=all invisible < 9.5
SetPhysicsGravity void < 9.5
StripUserComments void Added in version 12 12
StripUserTags void Added in version 12 12
UseBakedPhysics void < 9.5
UsingBakedPhysics bool < 9.5

Methods inherited from MohoLayer:

Name Returns Description Ver
ActionDuration int32 < 9.5
ActionID int32 < 9.5
ActionName char < 9.5
ActivateAction void Activates an action for editing < 9.5
AddKey void < 9.5
AddToFlexiBoneSubset void Added in version 9.5 9.5
AlignWithCamera void < 9.5
AncestorSwitchChild MohoLayer < 9.5
AncestorSwitchLayer SwitchLayer < 9.5
AnimDuration int32 < 9.5
AreChannelsConsolidated bool Added in version 12 12
BlendActions void < 9.5
BlendActions void < 9.5
BlendingMode int32 Get the layer's blending mode < 9.5
Bounds BBox < 9.5
BreakLayerReference void Added in version 11 11
Channel AnimChannel < 9.5
ClearAnimation void < 9.5
ClearFlexiBoneSubset void Added in version 9.5 9.5
ClearLayerKeyCount void < 9.5
ConstructionCurvesOn bool Added in version 9.5 9.5
ControllingBoneLayer BoneLayer Added in version 9.5 9.5
ControllingSkeleton M_Skeleton Added in version 9.5 9.5
CopyFrame void < 9.5
CopyTransform void Added in version 14.0 14.0
CountActions int32 < 9.5
CountChannels int32 < 9.5
CountLayerKeys int32 < 9.5
CurFrame int32 < 9.5
CurrentAction char Returns the name of the current action being edited < 9.5
DeleteAction void < 9.5
DeleteFrame void < 9.5
DeleteKeysAtFrame void < 9.5
DeleteParentBone void Call this function before deleting a bone in a parent bone layer < 9.5
DocToLayerFrame int32 Added in version 10 10
DoesFaceCamera bool < 9.5
DoesRotateToFollow bool < 9.5
FaceCameraMode int32 < 9.5
FreeCachedImage void Added in version 12 12
GetChannelInfo void < 9.5
GetDistortionMeshLayer MohoLayer Gets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:GetWarpLayer 12
GetFollowingCurve M_Curve < 9.5
GetFollowingLayer MohoLayer < 9.5
GetFullTransform void Gets the layer's complete transformation at a given frame, including the effects of its parent layers < 9.5
GetLayerKeyWhen int32 < 9.5
GetLayerRefInfo void Added in version 11 11
GetLayerTransform void Gets the layer's transformation at a given frame < 9.5
GetParentBoneTransform void < 9.5
GetParentTransform void Gets the parent layer's transformation at a given frame < 9.5
GetWarpLayer MohoLayer Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:GetDistortionMeshLayer 14.0
HasAction bool < 9.5
HasAnimatedLayerEffects bool < 9.5
HasScaleCompensation bool < 9.5
HsvImage char Returns a file path to the layer's HSV modifier image < 9.5
InsertAction void Inserts an action into the current active timeline < 9.5
IsAncestorSelected bool Added in version 11.1 11.1
IsAudioType bool < 9.5
IsBoneType bool Test whether a layer is a bone layer, or sub-type of bone layer (switch) < 9.5
IsEditOnly bool Getter method for the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings < 9.5
IsGroupType bool Test whether a layer is a group layer, or sub-type of group layer (bone, particle, or switch) < 9.5
IsIgnoredByLayerPicker bool 13.5.2
IsImmuneToCamera bool < 9.5
IsImmuneToDof bool < 9.5
IsIncludedInFlexiBoneSubset bool Added in version 12.2 12.2
IsLocked bool < 9.5
IsPhysicsInEffect bool < 9.5
IsReferencedLayer bool Added in version 11 11
IsReferenceExternal bool Added in version 11 11
IsReferenceOutdated bool Added in version 11 11
IsRenderOnly bool Getter method for the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings < 9.5
IsShownOnTimeline bool Added in version 12 12
IsSmartBoneAction bool < 9.5
IsVisible bool visibility (non-animated value) < 9.5
LabelColor int32 Added in version 11 11
LayerDuration int32 The duration of the video, audio, or image sequence < 9.5
LayerParentBone int32 Get the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone < 9.5
LayerScript char < 9.5
LayerType int32 Use this function to find out what type of layer you're dealing with < 9.5
MarkFlexiBoneSubsetAsElbow void Added in version 10 10
MarkReferenceOutdated void Use this method to refresh the reference 11
MaskExpansion bool < 9.5
MaskingMode int32 Get the layer's masking mode < 9.5
Metadata LM_Message will be removed from the API in a future release as AS11 now has the ScriptData object < 9.5
Name char Returns the name of the layer < 9.5
Origin Vector2 Get the origin point of the layer < 9.5
Parent GroupLayer Get the layer's parent layer (if any) < 9.5
PhysicsOptions MohoPhysicsOptions < 9.5
PhysicsParent GroupLayer < 9.5
QualityFlags int32 Added in version 9.5 9.5
RemoveFromFlexiBoneSubset void Added in version 9.5 9.5
RenameAction void < 9.5
ReorderAction void < 9.5
ResetAnimation void < 9.5
RunLayerScript void < 9.5
ScaleNormalization real Added in version 11 11
ScriptData LM_Message Added in version 11 - use this and not MetaData 11
SecondarySelection bool < 9.5
SetAnimatedLayerEffects void < 9.5
SetBlendingMode void Set the layer's blending mode < 9.5
SetConsolidatedChannels void Added in version 12 12
SetDistortionMeshLayer void Sets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:SetWarpLayer 12
SetEditOnly void An equivalent of the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings < 9.5
SetFaceCamera void < 9.5
SetFollowingCurve void < 9.5
SetHsvImage void Sets the file path to the layer's HSV modifier image < 9.5
SetIgnoredByLayerPicker void 13.5.2
SetImmuneToCamera void < 9.5
SetImmuneToDof void Sets whether the layer is immune to depth of field effects < 9.5
SetLabelColor void Added in version 11 11
SetLayerParentBone void Set the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone < 9.5
SetLayerScript void < 9.5
SetLocked void < 9.5
SetMaskExpansion void < 9.5
SetMaskingMode void Set the layer's masking mode. See the masking mode constants. < 9.5
SetName void Sets a layer's name < 9.5
SetOrigin void Set the origin point of the layer < 9.5
SetOriginWithTransformCorrection void < 9.5
SetQualityFlags void Added in version 9.5 9.5
SetRenderOnly void An equivalent of the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings < 9.5
SetRotateToFollow void < 9.5
SetScaleCompensation void < 9.5
SetScaleNormalization void Added in version 11 11
SetSecondarySelection void < 9.5
SetShownOnTimeline void Added in version 12 12
SetTimingOffset void Moves the layer start time < 9.5
SetUserComments void Added in version 12 12
SetUserTags void Added in version 12 12
SetVisible void Sets the layer's visibility in the workarea < 9.5
SetWarpLayer void Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:SetDistortionMeshLayer 14.0
ShowConstructionCurves void Toggle whether to display construction curves for this layer < 9.5
TimingOffset int32 < 9.5
TotalTimingOffset int32 < 9.5
UpdateCurFrame void Recalculates animated properties for this layer < 9.5
UpdateReferencedLayer bool Added in version 11 11
UserComments char Added in version 12 12
UserTags char Added in version 12 12
UUID char < 9.5

Properties of BoneLayer:

Name Type Description Ver
fGravityDirection AnimVal Added in version 14.0 14.0
fGravityStrength AnimVal Added in version 14.0 14.0
fWindDirection AnimVal 13.5.2
fWindStrength AnimVal 13.5.2
fWindTurbulentAmplitude AnimVal 13.5.2
fWindTurbulentFrequency AnimVal 13.5.2

Properties inherited from MohoLayer:

Name Type Description Ver
CameraBoundsCol rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5
CameraShadeCol rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5
CameraTargetCol rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5
GuideCol rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5
fAlpha AnimVal the layer's alpha animation channel < 9.5
fAmbientOcclusionRadius AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fBlur AnimVal the layer's blur animation channel < 9.5
fFlipH AnimBool the layer's horizontal flip animation channel < 9.5
fFlipV AnimBool the layer's vertical flip animation channel < 9.5
fFollowing AnimVal < 9.5
fLayerColor AnimColor Added in version 10 10
fLayerColorOn AnimBool Added in version 10 10
fLayerOutline AnimBool < 9.5
fLayerShading AnimBool the layer's shading on/off animation channel < 9.5
fLayerShadow AnimBool the layer's shadow on/off animation channel < 9.5
fMotionBlur AnimBool the layer's motion blur on/off animation channel < 9.5
fMotionBlurAlphaEnd AnimVal < 9.5
fMotionBlurAlphaStart AnimVal < 9.5
fMotionBlurExtendedFrames AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fMotionBlurFramePercentage AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fMotionBlurFrames AnimVal < 9.5
fMotionBlurRadius AnimVal < 9.5
fMotionBlurSkip AnimVal < 9.5
fMotionBlurSubframes AnimBool Added in version 12 12
fNoise AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fOutlineColor AnimColor < 9.5
fOutlineWidth AnimVal < 9.5
fPerspectiveBlur AnimVal < 9.5
fPerspectiveColor AnimColor < 9.5
fPerspectiveScale AnimVal < 9.5
fPerspectiveShadow AnimBool < 9.5
fPerspectiveShear AnimVal < 9.5
fPhysicsNudge AnimVec2 < 9.5
fPixelation AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fRotationX AnimVal the layer's X rotation animation channel < 9.5
fRotationY AnimVal the layer's Y rotation animation channel < 9.5
fRotationZ AnimVal the layer's Z rotation animation channel < 9.5
fScale AnimVec3 the layer's scale animation channel < 9.5
fShadingAngle AnimVal < 9.5
fShadingBlur AnimVal < 9.5
fShadingColor AnimColor < 9.5
fShadingContraction AnimVal < 9.5
fShadingNoiseAmp AnimVal < 9.5
fShadingNoiseScale AnimVal < 9.5
fShadingOffset AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowAngle AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowBlur AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowColor AnimColor < 9.5
fShadowExpansion AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowNoiseAmp AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowNoiseScale AnimVal < 9.5
fShadowOffset AnimVal < 9.5
fShear AnimVec3 the layer's shear animation channel < 9.5
fThreshold AnimVal Added in version 12 12
fTimelineMarkers AnimString Added in version 10 10
fTranslation AnimVec3 the layer's translation animation channel < 9.5
fVisibility AnimBool the layer's visibility animation channel < 9.5
GridCol rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5