Class BoneLayer
Parent classes: GroupLayer < MohoLayer
Version added:
before 9.5
Methods of BoneLayer:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
DrawHighlightedBone | void | Added in version 14.2 | 14.2 |
EvaluateWindTurbulentAngle | float | 13.5.2 | |
EvaluateWindTurbulentStrength | float | 13.5.2 | |
IsGrandpaBone | bool | Get nested layer control setting (Added in version 11) | 11 |
SetGrandpaBone | void | Set nested layer control (Added in version 11) | 11 |
Skeleton | M_Skeleton | < 9.5 |
Methods inherited from GroupLayer:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
CountLayers | int32 | Returns the number of sub-layers in the group | < 9.5 |
DepthSort | void | Perform an incremental depth sort on the group's sub-layers | < 9.5 |
EnableLayerOrdering | void | < 9.5 | |
EnablePhysics | void | < 9.5 | |
Expand | void | Expands or contracts the group in the Moho Layers window | < 9.5 |
FullDepthSort | void | Perform a full depth sort on the group's sub-layers | < 9.5 |
GetGroupMask | int32 | Returns the group's masking mode | < 9.5 |
GetLayerOrdering | AnimString | This accesses the layer ordering animation channel which is an AnimString | < 9.5 |
IsDepthSorted | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsDistanceSorted | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsExpanded | bool | Tests whether the group is expanded in the Moho Layers window | < 9.5 |
IsLayerOrdered | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsLayerOrderingEnabled | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsLayerValid | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsLayerValid | bool | Verifies if the given layer is located inside the group, with any nesting depth. | < 9.5 |
IsMyChild | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsPhysicsEnabled | bool | if frame is < 0, the return value is true if physics is *ever* enabled during the course of the animation | < 9.5 |
Layer | MohoLayer | Returns a layer in the group (starting at 0 for the first layer) | < 9.5 |
LayerByDepth | MohoLayer | Returns a layer in the group, ir order from furthest to nearest (starting at 0 for the furthest layer) | < 9.5 |
LayerByName | MohoLayer | < 9.5 | |
MostRecentPhysicsKeyframe | int32 | returns the most recent keyframe (before or at the given frame) for physics enablement | < 9.5 |
MultiplePhysicsKeys | bool | < 9.5 | |
PhysicsGravity | Vector2 | < 9.5 | |
SetDepthSorted | void | < 9.5 | |
SetDistanceSorted | void | < 9.5 | |
SetGroupMask | void | Sets the group masking mode. 0=none, 1=all visible, 2=all invisible | < 9.5 |
SetPhysicsGravity | void | < 9.5 | |
StripUserComments | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
StripUserTags | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
UseBakedPhysics | void | < 9.5 | |
UsingBakedPhysics | bool | < 9.5 |
Methods inherited from MohoLayer:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
ActionDuration | int32 | < 9.5 | |
ActionID | int32 | < 9.5 | |
ActionName | char | < 9.5 | |
ActivateAction | void | Activates an action for editing | < 9.5 |
AddKey | void | < 9.5 | |
AddToFlexiBoneSubset | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
AlignWithCamera | void | < 9.5 | |
AncestorSwitchChild | MohoLayer | < 9.5 | |
AncestorSwitchLayer | SwitchLayer | < 9.5 | |
AnimDuration | int32 | < 9.5 | |
AreChannelsConsolidated | bool | Added in version 12 | 12 |
BlendActions | void | < 9.5 | |
BlendActions | void | < 9.5 | |
BlendingMode | int32 | Get the layer's blending mode | < 9.5 |
Bounds | BBox | < 9.5 | |
BreakLayerReference | void | Added in version 11 | 11 |
Channel | AnimChannel | < 9.5 | |
ClearAnimation | void | < 9.5 | |
ClearFlexiBoneSubset | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
ClearLayerKeyCount | void | < 9.5 | |
ConstructionCurvesOn | bool | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
ControllingBoneLayer | BoneLayer | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
ControllingSkeleton | M_Skeleton | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CopyFrame | void | < 9.5 | |
CopyTransform | void | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
CountActions | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CountChannels | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CountLayerKeys | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CurFrame | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CurrentAction | char | Returns the name of the current action being edited | < 9.5 |
DeleteAction | void | < 9.5 | |
DeleteFrame | void | < 9.5 | |
DeleteKeysAtFrame | void | < 9.5 | |
DeleteParentBone | void | Call this function before deleting a bone in a parent bone layer | < 9.5 |
DocToLayerFrame | int32 | Added in version 10 | 10 |
DoesFaceCamera | bool | < 9.5 | |
DoesRotateToFollow | bool | < 9.5 | |
FaceCameraMode | int32 | < 9.5 | |
FreeCachedImage | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
GetChannelInfo | void | < 9.5 | |
GetDistortionMeshLayer | MohoLayer | Gets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:GetWarpLayer | 12 |
GetFollowingCurve | M_Curve | < 9.5 | |
GetFollowingLayer | MohoLayer | < 9.5 | |
GetFullTransform | void | Gets the layer's complete transformation at a given frame, including the effects of its parent layers | < 9.5 |
GetLayerKeyWhen | int32 | < 9.5 | |
GetLayerRefInfo | void | Added in version 11 | 11 |
GetLayerTransform | void | Gets the layer's transformation at a given frame | < 9.5 |
GetParentBoneTransform | void | < 9.5 | |
GetParentTransform | void | Gets the parent layer's transformation at a given frame | < 9.5 |
GetWarpLayer | MohoLayer | Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:GetDistortionMeshLayer | 14.0 |
HasAction | bool | < 9.5 | |
HasAnimatedLayerEffects | bool | < 9.5 | |
HasScaleCompensation | bool | < 9.5 | |
HsvImage | char | Returns a file path to the layer's HSV modifier image | < 9.5 |
InsertAction | void | Inserts an action into the current active timeline | < 9.5 |
IsAncestorSelected | bool | Added in version 11.1 | 11.1 |
IsAudioType | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsBoneType | bool | Test whether a layer is a bone layer, or sub-type of bone layer (switch) | < 9.5 |
IsEditOnly | bool | Getter method for the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings | < 9.5 |
IsGroupType | bool | Test whether a layer is a group layer, or sub-type of group layer (bone, particle, or switch) | < 9.5 |
IsIgnoredByLayerPicker | bool | 13.5.2 | |
IsImmuneToCamera | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsImmuneToDof | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsIncludedInFlexiBoneSubset | bool | Added in version 12.2 | 12.2 |
IsLocked | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsPhysicsInEffect | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsReferencedLayer | bool | Added in version 11 | 11 |
IsReferenceExternal | bool | Added in version 11 | 11 |
IsReferenceOutdated | bool | Added in version 11 | 11 |
IsRenderOnly | bool | Getter method for the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings | < 9.5 |
IsShownOnTimeline | bool | Added in version 12 | 12 |
IsSmartBoneAction | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsVisible | bool | visibility (non-animated value) | < 9.5 |
LabelColor | int32 | Added in version 11 | 11 |
LayerDuration | int32 | The duration of the video, audio, or image sequence | < 9.5 |
LayerParentBone | int32 | Get the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone | < 9.5 |
LayerScript | char | < 9.5 | |
LayerType | int32 | Use this function to find out what type of layer you're dealing with | < 9.5 |
MarkFlexiBoneSubsetAsElbow | void | Added in version 10 | 10 |
MarkReferenceOutdated | void | Use this method to refresh the reference | 11 |
MaskExpansion | bool | < 9.5 | |
MaskingMode | int32 | Get the layer's masking mode | < 9.5 |
Metadata | LM_Message | will be removed from the API in a future release as AS11 now has the ScriptData object | < 9.5 |
Name | char | Returns the name of the layer | < 9.5 |
Origin | Vector2 | Get the origin point of the layer | < 9.5 |
Parent | GroupLayer | Get the layer's parent layer (if any) | < 9.5 |
PhysicsOptions | MohoPhysicsOptions | < 9.5 | |
PhysicsParent | GroupLayer | < 9.5 | |
QualityFlags | int32 | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
RemoveFromFlexiBoneSubset | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
RenameAction | void | < 9.5 | |
ReorderAction | void | < 9.5 | |
ResetAnimation | void | < 9.5 | |
RunLayerScript | void | < 9.5 | |
ScaleNormalization | real | Added in version 11 | 11 |
ScriptData | LM_Message | Added in version 11 - use this and not MetaData | 11 |
SecondarySelection | bool | < 9.5 | |
SetAnimatedLayerEffects | void | < 9.5 | |
SetBlendingMode | void | Set the layer's blending mode | < 9.5 |
SetConsolidatedChannels | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
SetDistortionMeshLayer | void | Sets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:SetWarpLayer | 12 |
SetEditOnly | void | An equivalent of the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings | < 9.5 |
SetFaceCamera | void | < 9.5 | |
SetFollowingCurve | void | < 9.5 | |
SetHsvImage | void | Sets the file path to the layer's HSV modifier image | < 9.5 |
SetIgnoredByLayerPicker | void | 13.5.2 | |
SetImmuneToCamera | void | < 9.5 | |
SetImmuneToDof | void | Sets whether the layer is immune to depth of field effects | < 9.5 |
SetLabelColor | void | Added in version 11 | 11 |
SetLayerParentBone | void | Set the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone | < 9.5 |
SetLayerScript | void | < 9.5 | |
SetLocked | void | < 9.5 | |
SetMaskExpansion | void | < 9.5 | |
SetMaskingMode | void | Set the layer's masking mode. See the masking mode constants. | < 9.5 |
SetName | void | Sets a layer's name | < 9.5 |
SetOrigin | void | Set the origin point of the layer | < 9.5 |
SetOriginWithTransformCorrection | void | < 9.5 | |
SetQualityFlags | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
SetRenderOnly | void | An equivalent of the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings | < 9.5 |
SetRotateToFollow | void | < 9.5 | |
SetScaleCompensation | void | < 9.5 | |
SetScaleNormalization | void | Added in version 11 | 11 |
SetSecondarySelection | void | < 9.5 | |
SetShownOnTimeline | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
SetTimingOffset | void | Moves the layer start time | < 9.5 |
SetUserComments | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
SetUserTags | void | Added in version 12 | 12 |
SetVisible | void | Sets the layer's visibility in the workarea | < 9.5 |
SetWarpLayer | void | Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:SetDistortionMeshLayer | 14.0 |
ShowConstructionCurves | void | Toggle whether to display construction curves for this layer | < 9.5 |
TimingOffset | int32 | < 9.5 | |
TotalTimingOffset | int32 | < 9.5 | |
UpdateCurFrame | void | Recalculates animated properties for this layer | < 9.5 |
UpdateReferencedLayer | bool | Added in version 11 | 11 |
UserComments | char | Added in version 12 | 12 |
UserTags | char | Added in version 12 | 12 |
UUID | char | < 9.5 |
Properties of BoneLayer:
Name | Type | Description | Ver |
fGravityDirection | AnimVal | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
fGravityStrength | AnimVal | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
fWindDirection | AnimVal | 13.5.2 | |
fWindStrength | AnimVal | 13.5.2 | |
fWindTurbulentAmplitude | AnimVal | 13.5.2 | |
fWindTurbulentFrequency | AnimVal | 13.5.2 |
Properties inherited from MohoLayer:
Name | Type | Description | Ver |
CameraBoundsCol | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CameraShadeCol | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CameraTargetCol | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
GuideCol | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
fAlpha | AnimVal | the layer's alpha animation channel | < 9.5 |
fAmbientOcclusionRadius | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fBlur | AnimVal | the layer's blur animation channel | < 9.5 |
fFlipH | AnimBool | the layer's horizontal flip animation channel | < 9.5 |
fFlipV | AnimBool | the layer's vertical flip animation channel | < 9.5 |
fFollowing | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fLayerColor | AnimColor | Added in version 10 | 10 |
fLayerColorOn | AnimBool | Added in version 10 | 10 |
fLayerOutline | AnimBool | < 9.5 | |
fLayerShading | AnimBool | the layer's shading on/off animation channel | < 9.5 |
fLayerShadow | AnimBool | the layer's shadow on/off animation channel | < 9.5 |
fMotionBlur | AnimBool | the layer's motion blur on/off animation channel | < 9.5 |
fMotionBlurAlphaEnd | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fMotionBlurAlphaStart | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fMotionBlurExtendedFrames | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fMotionBlurFramePercentage | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fMotionBlurFrames | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fMotionBlurRadius | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fMotionBlurSkip | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fMotionBlurSubframes | AnimBool | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fNoise | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fOutlineColor | AnimColor | < 9.5 | |
fOutlineWidth | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fPerspectiveBlur | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fPerspectiveColor | AnimColor | < 9.5 | |
fPerspectiveScale | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fPerspectiveShadow | AnimBool | < 9.5 | |
fPerspectiveShear | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fPhysicsNudge | AnimVec2 | < 9.5 | |
fPixelation | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fRotationX | AnimVal | the layer's X rotation animation channel | < 9.5 |
fRotationY | AnimVal | the layer's Y rotation animation channel | < 9.5 |
fRotationZ | AnimVal | the layer's Z rotation animation channel | < 9.5 |
fScale | AnimVec3 | the layer's scale animation channel | < 9.5 |
fShadingAngle | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadingBlur | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadingColor | AnimColor | < 9.5 | |
fShadingContraction | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadingNoiseAmp | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadingNoiseScale | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadingOffset | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowAngle | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowBlur | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowColor | AnimColor | < 9.5 | |
fShadowExpansion | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowNoiseAmp | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowNoiseScale | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShadowOffset | AnimVal | < 9.5 | |
fShear | AnimVec3 | the layer's shear animation channel | < 9.5 |
fThreshold | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12 |
fTimelineMarkers | AnimString | Added in version 10 | 10 |
fTranslation | AnimVec3 | the layer's translation animation channel | < 9.5 |
fVisibility | AnimBool | the layer's visibility animation channel | < 9.5 |
GridCol | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |