Class M_Curve

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Curve class represents a curve in a vector layer.

Methods of M_Curve:

Name Returns Description Ver
AimControlHandleAtNeighbor void Added in version 12 12
ClosestPointOnSegment Vector2 < 9.5
CorrectControlHandleAngles void Added in version 12 12
CountPoints int32 Returns the number of points that make up the curve < 9.5
CountSegments int32 Returns the number of segments on the curve < 9.5
Curvature AnimVal < 9.5
CurveLength real < 9.5
DeleteCurvatureKey void Added in version 14.0 14.0
DeselectCurvePoints void Added in version 11 11
GetControlHandle Vector2 Returns position vector for one of two bezier handles 12
GetControlPoints void Returns the control points for the given segment id < 9.5
GetCurvature real Returns the curvature through a given point on the curve < 9.5
GetOffset real Returns one of the handles' offsets through a given point on the curve 12
GetPercentLocation Vector2 < 9.5
GetPercentTangent Vector2 < 9.5
GetSegmentRange real, real < 9.5
GetWeight real Returns one of the handles' offsets through a given point on the curve 12
IsPartiallySelected bool Are any points on this curve selected? < 9.5
IsPointOnSegment bool Returns true if the given point is on the given curve segment < 9.5
IsSegmentOn bool Tests whether a given curve segment is on or not < 9.5
IsSegmentSelected bool Tests whether a segment is selected < 9.5
IsSelected bool Are all points on this curve selected? < 9.5
Point M_Point Returns one of the points making up the curve (use 0 for the first point on the curve) < 9.5
PointID int32 Curve point ID for a given point object 12
PointOnSegment Vector2 Returns the location of a point on a segment < 9.5
ResetControlHandles void Added in version 12 12
SegmentLength real < 9.5
SelectCurvePoints void Added in version 11 11
SetControlHandle void Sets position for one of two bezier handles through a given point on the curve 12
SetCurvature void Sets the curvature through a given point on the curve < 9.5
SetOffset void Sets offset for one of two bezier handles through a given point on the curve 12
SetProfileCurve void < 9.5
SetSegmentOn void Turns a curve segment on or off < 9.5
SetWeight void Sets weight for one of two bezier handles through a given point on the curve 12

Properties of M_Curve:

Name Type Description Ver
fClosed bool true if the curve is closed, otherwise false < 9.5
fEndPercent AnimVal This is actually end ratio in the range 0 to 1 inclusive - 0 is none and 1 is total < 9.5
fProfileOffset AnimVal Added in version 14.2 14.2
fProfileRepeat int32 < 9.5
fStartPercent AnimVal This is actually end ratio in the range 0 to 1 inclusive - 0 is none and 1 is total < 9.5