Class AnimVec3

Version added: before 9.5
The AnimVec3 class represents an animated sequence of 3D vector values.

Methods of AnimVec3:

Name Returns Description Ver
AreDimensionsSplit AreDimensionsSplit() bool Added in version 12 12.0
DimensionChannel DimensionChannel(dim) AnimVal Added in version 12 12.0
GetValue GetValue(when) Vector3 Return the value of this channel at a given frame < 9.5
GetValueByID GetValueByID(id) Vector3 < 9.5
SetValue SetValue(when, val) void Set the value at a given frame < 9.5
SetValueByID SetValueByID(id, val) void < 9.5
SplitDimensions SplitDimensions(b) void Added in version 12 12.0
SyncSplitDimensionsBack SyncSplitDimensionsBack() void Added in version 12 12.0

Methods inherited from AnimChannel:

Name Returns Description Ver
Action Action(id) AnimChannel Returns action channel by index 12.0
ActionByName ActionByName(name) AnimChannel Returns the action channel. 12.0
ActionName ActionName(id) char Added in version 12 12.0
ActivateAction ActivateAction(name) void Added in version 12 12.0
AddKey AddKey(when) void Adds a new keyframe at the given frame < 9.5
ChannelType ChannelType() int32 Returns the type of animation channel you're working with < 9.5
Clear Clear(zeroFrame) void Clears a channel, removing all keyframes < 9.5
ClearAfter ClearAfter(frame) void < 9.5
ClearBefore ClearBefore(frame) void < 9.5
CountActions CountActions() int32 Added in version 12 12.0
CountKeys CountKeys() int32 Returns the number of keyframes in the channel < 9.5
CurrentAction CurrentAction() char Added in version 12 12.0
DeleteKey DeleteKey(when) void Deletes a keyframe at the specified frame < 9.5
DeleteKeyByID DeleteKeyByID(id) void < 9.5
Duration Duration() int32 Returns the duration of the animation channel (basically, the time of the last keyframe) < 9.5
GetClosestKeyID GetClosestKeyID(when) int32 Returns the closest keyframe to the left from the given frame < 9.5
GetKeyInterp GetKeyInterp(when, interp) void < 9.5
GetKeyInterp GetKeyInterp(when, interpMode, val1, val2) void < 9.5
GetKeyInterpByID GetKeyInterpByID(id, interp) void < 9.5
GetKeyInterpByID GetKeyInterpByID(id, interpMode, val1, val2) void < 9.5
GetKeyInterpMode GetKeyInterpMode(when) int32 < 9.5
GetKeyInterpModeByID GetKeyInterpModeByID(id) int32 < 9.5
GetKeyWhen GetKeyWhen(id) int32 Returns the frame number for the key with the given id < 9.5
HasKey HasKey(when) bool Tests whether the channel has a keyframe at a given frame < 9.5
InsertAction InsertAction(name, when) void Added in version 12 12.0
InsertActionByReference InsertActionByReference(name, when) void Added in version 12 12.0
IsKeySelected IsKeySelected(when) bool < 9.5
IsKeySelectedByID IsKeySelectedByID(id) bool < 9.5
IsMuted IsMuted() bool Added in version 12 12.0
MakeKeyframesConsistent MakeKeyframesConsistent(deleteDuplicates) void make sure the keyframes are all in order according to time, and remove any that overlap < 9.5
Mute Mute(b) void Added in version 12 12.0
Reset Reset(when) void Sets the value at a given frame to be the same as the value at frame 0 < 9.5
SetKeyInterp SetKeyInterp(when, interpMode, val1, val2) void Sets the interpolation mode at a specified frame < 9.5
SetKeyInterp SetKeyInterp(when, interp) void Sets the interpolation mode at a specified frame < 9.5
SetKeyInterpByID SetKeyInterpByID(id, interpMode, val1, val2) void Sets the interpolation mode for a specified keyframe < 9.5
SetKeyInterpByID SetKeyInterpByID(id, interp) void Sets the interpolation mode for a specified keyframe < 9.5
SetKeySelected SetKeySelected(when, sel) void < 9.5
SetKeySelectedByID SetKeySelectedByID(id, sel) void < 9.5
SetKeyWhen SetKeyWhen(id, when) void < 9.5
SetKeyWhenNoRestriction SetKeyWhenNoRestriction(id, when) void allow keyframes to be set before/after each other, or even on top of each other < 9.5
StoreValue StoreValue() void Stores the current value as a keyframe < 9.5
SwapKeys SwapKeys(id1, id2) void < 9.5

Properties of AnimVec3:

Name Type Description Ver
value Vector3 The current value of the channel. < 9.5