Class BBox

Version added: before 9.5
If necessary, instances of this class can be created by:

- Local variable:
local bBox = LM.BBox:new_local()

- Global (see Script Structure about conventions for naming globals):
XX_bBox = LM.BBox:new()

Methods of BBox:

Name Returns Description Ver
AccumulateBBox AccumulateBBox(box) void < 9.5
AccumulatePoint AccumulatePoint(v) void < 9.5
AccumulatePoint AccumulatePoint(v) void < 9.5
Center Center() Vector3 Get the 3D center 10.0
Center2D Center2D() Vector2 Get the 2D center 10.0
Clear Clear() void < 9.5
Contains Contains(v) bool Check if the box contains 3D vector 10.0
Contains Contains(v) bool Check if the box contains 2D vector 10.0
Contains Contains(box) bool Check if the box contains another BBox. Added in version 14.0 14.0
Intersects Intersects(box) bool Check if the box intersects another BBox. Added in version 14.0 14.0
IsEmpty IsEmpty() bool < 9.5
MaxDimension MaxDimension() real < 9.5
MaxDimension2D MaxDimension2D() real < 9.5
MinDimension MinDimension() real < 9.5
MinDimension2D MinDimension2D() real < 9.5
Normalize Normalize() void < 9.5

Properties of BBox:

Name Type Description Ver
fMax Vector3 < 9.5
fMin Vector3 < 9.5