Class KeyEvent
Version added: before 9.5
The KeyEvent class is provided to your script when a keyboard event occurs. It contains information about the event.
Properties of KeyEvent:
Name | Type | Description | Ver |
altKey | bool | True if the alt key is down, otherwise false. | < 9.5 |
ctrlKey | bool | True if the ctrl key is down, otherwise false. | < 9.5 |
key | char | The key character that was pressed. | < 9.5 |
keyCode | int32 | A keycode to indicate which special key was pressed. See keycode constants in the LM.GUI module. | < 9.5 |
shiftKey | bool | True if the shift key is down, otherwise false. | < 9.5 |
view | MohoView | A reference to the Moho editing view. | < 9.5 |