Class LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed

Version added: 11.1
Added in 11.1

Methods of LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:

Name Returns Description Ver
GPUMode GPUMode() bool Added in version 14.0 to replace LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:OpenGLMode 14.0
OpenGLMode OpenGLMode() bool Added in version 11. In Moho 14.0 replaced by LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:GPUMode 11.0

Methods inherited from LM_Graphics:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddLine AddLine(end1, end2) void Add a line segment to the current enclosed shape < 9.5
ApplyMatrix ApplyMatrix(matrix) void Prepend an arbitrary matrix to the current matrix transform < 9.5
BeginDraw BeginDraw() void Call this function before starting any drawing commands < 9.5
BeginPicking BeginPicking(where, pickWidth) void Call this function to begin testing whether the user has clicked on an object < 9.5
BeginShape BeginShape() void Begin drawing an enclosed shape < 9.5
Clear Clear(r, g, b, a) void Clear the drawing area < 9.5
CurrentScale CurrentScale(ignoreZoom) real Returns the current scale of the drawing < 9.5
CurrentTransform CurrentTransform() Matrix Returns the current matrix transformation < 9.5
DrawDiamondMarker DrawDiamondMarker(xf, yf, radius) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
DrawDiamondMarker DrawDiamondMarker(xf, yf, zf, radius) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
DrawFatLine DrawFatLine(width, x1, y1, x2, y2) void Added in version 10 10.0
DrawFatLine2 DrawFatLine2(width1, width2, x1, y1, x2, y2) void Added in version 11 11.0
DrawFatMarker DrawFatMarker(xf, yf, radius) void Draw a fat marker < 9.5
DrawLine DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) void Draw a line between two pixels < 9.5
DrawMarker DrawMarker(xf, yf) void Draw a marker (for example, the control points on Moho curves) < 9.5
EndDraw EndDraw() void Call this function when you're finished with all drawing operations < 9.5
EndShape EndShape() void End the current enclosed shape and draw it on the screen < 9.5
FillCircle FillCircle(center, radius) void Draw a filled circle < 9.5
FillCirclePixelRadius FillCirclePixelRadius(center, radius) void < 9.5
FillOval FillOval(r) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
FloodFill FloodFill(seedX, seedY) bool < 9.5
FrameCircle FrameCircle(center, radius) void Draw a circle outline < 9.5
FrameCirclePixelRadius FrameCirclePixelRadius(center, radius) void < 9.5
FrameOval FrameOval(r) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
Height Height() int32 Returns the height in pixels of the drawing area < 9.5
IsFullWhite IsFullWhite(where) bool Test whether a given pixel is 100% white < 9.5
LineTo LineTo(x, y) void Draw a line from the current pen position to the given pixel < 9.5
LineTo LineTo(x, y) void Draw a line from the current pen position to the given pixel < 9.5
MoveTo MoveTo(x, y) void Move the pen location to a given pixel < 9.5
MoveTo MoveTo(x, y) void Move the pen location to a given pixel < 9.5
Pick Pick() bool After drawing an object, call this function to see if it was clicked on by the user < 9.5
Pop Pop() void Pop the current matrix stack < 9.5
Push Push() void Push the current matrix stack < 9.5
Rotate Rotate(angle) void Prepend a rotation to the current matrix transform < 9.5
Scale Scale(sx, sy) void Prepend a 2D scale to the current matrix transform < 9.5
ScreenToWorld ScreenToWorld(where, pt) void Converts a screen pixel location to 2D world coordinates < 9.5
ScreenToWorld ScreenToWorld(where, pt) void Converts a screen pixel location to 3D world coordinates < 9.5
SelectionRect SelectionRect(r, fillRect) void Draw a selection rectangle < 9.5
SetBezierTolerance SetBezierTolerance(pixels) void < 9.5
SetColor SetColor(color) void Sets the drawing color for subsequent drawing operations < 9.5
SetColor SetColor(r, g, b, a) void Sets the drawing color for subsequent drawing operations < 9.5
SetPenWidth SetPenWidth(w) void Sets the width in pixels for line drawing operations < 9.5
SetSmoothing SetSmoothing(value) void Turns on or off smoothing (antialaising) for drawing operations < 9.5
SetViewMode SetViewMode(mode) void Added in version 10 10.0
SetViewOffset SetViewOffset(offsetX, offsetY) void Added in version 10 10.0
SetViewPixelScaling SetViewPixelScaling(pixelScaling) void Added in version 10 10.0
SetViewRotation SetViewRotation(angle) void Added in version 10 10.0
SetViewZoom SetViewZoom(z) void Added in version 10 10.0
Translate Translate(dx, dy) void Prepend a 2D translation to the current matrix transform < 9.5
ViewMode ViewMode() int32 Added in version 10 10.0
ViewOffset ViewOffset() Vector2 Added in version 10 10.0
ViewPixelScaling ViewPixelScaling() int32 Added in version 10 10.0
ViewRotation ViewRotation() real Added in version 10 10.0
ViewZoom ViewZoom() real Added in version 10 10.0
Width Width() int32 Returns the width in pixels of the drawing area < 9.5
WorldToScreen WorldToScreen(pt, where) bool Converts a 2D world position to a screen pixel location < 9.5
WorldToScreen WorldToScreen(pt, where) bool Converts a 2D world position to a screen pixel location < 9.5