Class LM_LayoutView

Version added: before 9.5
The LM_LayoutView class is used to arrange other user interface objects in a dialog box or toolbar. You never create a layout view yourself - it is provided for you when you create a dialog box or fill in a toolbar.

Methods of LM_LayoutView:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddChild AddChild(view, alignment, indent) void Add a new widget to the layout < 9.5
AddPadding AddPadding(pixels) void Add some blank space to the layout. Pass a value of 0 for flexible padding that will expand to fit available space. < 9.5
Indent Indent(amount) void Begin indenting all further views that get added to the layout < 9.5
Pop Pop() void End the current row or column of layout and go back to the style of layout before that row or column was started < 9.5
PushH PushH(alignment, padding) void Switch to horizontal layout for the next set of child views to be added < 9.5
PushV PushV(alignment, padding) void Switch to vertical layout for the next set of child views to be added < 9.5
Unindent Unindent(amount) void Stop indenting all further views that get added to the layout < 9.5

Methods inherited from LM_View:

Name Returns Description Ver
Enable Enable(enable) void Enables or disables a view object < 9.5
Height Height() int32 Added in version 11 11.0
IsEnabled IsEnabled() bool Tells whether the view is currently enabled < 9.5
IsMouseDragging IsMouseDragging(button) bool Added in version 11 11.0
SetCursor SetCursor(cursor) void Change the cursor < 9.5
SetToolTip SetToolTip(tooltip) void Added in version 12 12.0
Width Width() int32 Added in version 11 11.0