Class LM_Menu
Version added: before 9.5
The LM_Menu class represents a list of commands. A menu by itself does not appear in the user interface - it must be attached to an LM_PopupMenu widget in order to be placed in a dialog box or toolbar. To create a new menu, you would use the LM.GUI.Menu method.

The LM_Menu of 3 options is attached to the LM_PopupMenu widget
Methods of LM_Menu:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
AddItem AddItem(label, shortcut, msg) | void | Adds a new command to the bottom of the menu | < 9.5 |
AddItemAlphabetically AddItemAlphabetically(label, shortcut, msg) | void | Adds a new command alphabetically to the menu | < 9.5 |
CountItems CountItems() | int32 | Returns the number of commands in the menu | < 9.5 |
FirstChecked FirstChecked() | int32 | Returns the id of the first checked command in the menu (starting at 0 for the first item) | < 9.5 |
FirstCheckedLabel FirstCheckedLabel() | char | Returns the text label of the first checked command in the menu | < 9.5 |
FirstCheckedMsg FirstCheckedMsg() | int32 | Returns the message value of the first checked command in the menu | < 9.5 |
InsertItem InsertItem(atIndex, label, shortcut, msg) | void | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
IsChecked IsChecked(msg) | bool | Tests whether a menu command is checked | < 9.5 |
IsEnabled IsEnabled(msg) | bool | Checks the enabled status of a menu command | < 9.5 |
ItemLabel ItemLabel(msg) | char | Returns the text label of a command in the menu | < 9.5 |
RemoveAllItems RemoveAllItems() | void | Removes all commands from a menu, leaving the menu empty | < 9.5 |
SetChecked SetChecked(msg, checked) | void | Attaches a checkmark to a menu command | < 9.5 |
SetCheckedLabel SetCheckedLabel(label, checked) | void | Attaches a checkmark to a menu command | < 9.5 |
SetEnabled SetEnabled(msg, enabled) | void | Enables or disables a menu command | < 9.5 |
UncheckAll UncheckAll() | void | Un-checks all commands in the menu | < 9.5 |