Class LM_SimpleDialog

Version added: before 9.5
The LM_SimpleDialog class is used to create dialog boxes - windows that can be filled with other user interface controls. An LM_SimpleDialog object automatically provides OK and Cancel buttons. To create a new object of this class, use the LM.GUI.SimpleDialog method.

Methods of LM_SimpleDialog:

Name Returns Description Ver
DoModal DoModal() int32 Displays the dialog box on screen in a modal fashion (meaning that nothing else will happen in Moho until the user presses OK or Cancel in the dialog) < 9.5
DoModeless DoModeless() void Displays the dialog box on screen in a modeless fashion (meaning that the user is free to work in other parts of the Moho application while the dialog is open) < 9.5
GetLayout GetLayout() LM_LayoutView < 9.5
HandleMessage HandleMessage(msg) void This function is called when a user interface object in the dialog sends a message < 9.5
OnOK OnOK() void This function is called if the user presses the dialog's OK button < 9.5
OnValidate OnValidate() bool This function is called if the user presses the dialog's OK button < 9.5
UpdateWidgets UpdateWidgets() void This function is called when the user interface controls need to be updated < 9.5
Validate Validate(pCtrl, low, high) bool Tests that the value of a numerical text field falls within a certain range < 9.5