Class LM_TextControl

Version added: before 9.5
The LM_TextControl class displays a box where the user can enter text or numbers. To create a new LM_TextControl, you would use the LM.GUI.TextControl method.

Methods of LM_TextControl:

Name Returns Description Ver
FloatValue FloatValue() real Returns the text string contained in the control as a floating-point number < 9.5
IntValue IntValue() int32 Returns the text string contained in the control as an integer < 9.5
SetConstantMessages SetConstantMessages(b) void Tells the control to send messages whenever the text changes < 9.5
SetMaxDecimalPlaces SetMaxDecimalPlaces(n) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetPercentageMode SetPercentageMode(percentageMode) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetUnits SetUnits(unitType) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetValue SetValue(value) void Sets the value of the object < 9.5
SetWheelInc SetWheelInc(f) void Sets how much the numerical value should change with each movement of the scroll wheel < 9.5
SetWheelInteger SetWheelInteger(b) void Added in version 10 10.0
Value Value() char Returns the text string contained in the control < 9.5

Methods inherited from LM_BaseWidget:

Name Returns Description Ver
Redraw Redraw() void Call this function to force the widget to redraw itself < 9.5

Methods inherited from LM_View:

Name Returns Description Ver
Enable Enable(enable) void Enables or disables a view object < 9.5
Height Height() int32 Added in version 11 11.0
IsEnabled IsEnabled() bool Tells whether the view is currently enabled < 9.5
IsMouseDragging IsMouseDragging(button) bool Added in version 11 11.0
SetCursor SetCursor(cursor) void Change the cursor < 9.5
SetToolTip SetToolTip(tooltip) void Added in version 12 12.0
Width Width() int32 Added in version 11 11.0