Class M_Bone

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Bone class represents one bone in a skeleton.

Methods of M_Bone:

Name Returns Description Ver
AngleWeight AngleWeight() real Added in version 14.0 14.0
AreDynamicsActive AreDynamicsActive() bool Added in version 14.0 14.0
DeselectKeys DeselectKeys() void Added in version 11 11.0
DisplayWidth DisplayWidth(displayScale) real Tells scripts how wide a particular bone will be displayed on screen. Takes into account the scaling of the layer, overall canvas zoom, etc. 13.5.3
EnableArcSolver EnableArcSolver(b) void Added in version 11 11.0
HasSelectedKeys HasSelectedKeys() bool Added in version 11 11.0
IsArcSolverEnabled IsArcSolverEnabled() bool Added in version 11 11.0
IsGroupVisible IsGroupVisible() bool 13.5.2
IsLabelShowing IsLabelShowing() bool Added in version 9.5 9.5
IsZeroLength IsZeroLength() bool Added in version 12 12.0
Name Name() char Returns the name of the bone < 9.5
ParentalFlipFactor ParentalFlipFactor() real Added in version 11 11.0
PosWeight PosWeight() real Added in version 14.0 14.0
ScaleWeight ScaleWeight() real Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetAngleWeight SetAngleWeight(w) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetName SetName(name) void Sets the name of the bone < 9.5
SetPosWeight SetPosWeight(w) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetScaleWeight SetScaleWeight(w) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetTags SetTags(tags) void Sets the bone color 9.5
ShowLabel ShowLabel(b) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
Tags Tags() int32 Returns the bone color 9.5

Properties of M_Bone:

Name Type Description Ver
fAngle real the bone's current angle < 9.5
fAngleControlDelay int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
fAngleControlParent int32 an id number to the bone's angle control bone (-1 if the bone has no angle control) < 9.5
fAngleControlScale real the scale value for the bone's angle control < 9.5
fAngleDampingForce real Added in version 14.0 to replace fDampingForce 14.0
fAngleDynamics bool Added in version 14.0 14.0
fAngleSpringForce real Added in version 14.0 to replace fSpringForce 14.0
fAngleTorqueForce real Added in version 14.0 to replace fTorqueForce 14.0
fAnimAngle AnimVal the bon'e animated angle < 9.5
fAnimParent AnimVal the bon'e animated parent ID 11.0
fAnimPos AnimVec2 the bone's animated position < 9.5
fAnimScale AnimVal the bone's animated scale < 9.5
fBoneDynamics AnimBool true if bone dynamics are on for this bone < 9.5
fConstraints bool true if the bone has min/max angle constraints, otherwise false < 9.5
fDampingForce real the influence of damping on bone dynamics < 9.5
fFixedAngle bool true if the bone's Independent Angle toggle is on 10.0
fFlipH AnimBool the bone's animated end flip 11.0
fFlipV AnimBool the bone's animated side flip 11.0
fHidden bool true if bone is hidden 10.0
fIgnoredByIK bool true if bone is ignored by IK 12.0
fIKGlobalAngle AnimVal the bone's IK angle animation channel < 9.5
fIKLock AnimBool the bone's IK lock animation channel < 9.5
fIKParentTarget AnimVec2 the bone's IK target animation channel < 9.5
fLength real the bone's length < 9.5
fMaxAutoScaling real the bone's Maximum IK Stretching value 10.0
fMaxConstraint real maximum angle < 9.5
fMinConstraint real minimum angle < 9.5
fMovedMatrix Matrix the transformation matrix for the bone's current alignment < 9.5
fName String the name of the bone < 9.5
fOffset Vector2 the bone's 2D offset value < 9.5
fParent int32 an id number to the bone's parent bone (-1 if the bone has no parent) < 9.5
fPhysicsLockTip bool < 9.5
fPhysicsMotorSpeed AnimVal < 9.5
fPhysicsRadius real < 9.5
fPhysicsReturnToZero bool < 9.5
fPhysicsTorque real < 9.5
fPos Vector2 the bone's current position < 9.5
fPosControlDelay int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
fPosControlParent int32 an id number to the bone's position control bone (-1 if the bone has no position control) < 9.5
fPosControlScale Vector2 the scale value for the bone's position control < 9.5
fPosDampingForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fPosDynamics bool Added in version 14.0 14.0
fPosSpringForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fPosTorqueForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fPtMatrix Matrix the transformation matrix for the influence the bone has over vector points < 9.5
fRestMatrix Matrix the transformation matrix for the bone at rest < 9.5
fScale real the bone's current scale < 9.5
fScaleControlDelay int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
fScaleControlParent int32 an id number to the bone's scale control bone (-1 if the bone has no scale control) < 9.5
fScaleControlScale real the scale value for the bone's scale control < 9.5
fScaleDampingForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fScaleDynamics bool Added in version 14.0 14.0
fScaleSpringForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fScaleTorqueForce real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fScalingMode int32 Added in version 10. Values: 0 - manual, 1 - two-dimensional, 2 - squash/stretch 10.0
fSelected bool true if the bone is selected, otherwise false < 9.5
fShy bool true if the bone is a shy bone 10.0
fSpringForce real the influence of springiness on bone dynamics < 9.5
fSquashStretchScaling real the bone's Squash-Stretch Scaling factor 10.0
fStrength real the bone's strength < 9.5
fTargetBone AnimVal ID of the current target bone. Added in version 10 10.0
fTempAngle real a temporary variable to store the angle < 9.5
fTempLength real a temporary variable to store the length < 9.5
fTempPos Vector2 a temporary variable to store the position < 9.5
fTempScale real a temporary variable to store the scale < 9.5
fTorqueForce real the influence of torque on bone dynamics < 9.5
fWindDynamics bool 13.5.2