Class M_Face3D

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Face3D class represents a face in a 3D mesh.

Properties of M_Face3D:

Name Type Description Ver
groupTag int32 < 9.5
matID int32 An index to the mesh material that should be used on this face. < 9.5
n1 int32 < 9.5
n2 int32 < 9.5
n3 int32 < 9.5
n4 int32 < 9.5
normal Vector3 < 9.5
numP int32 The number of points in the face (can be 3 or 4). < 9.5
p1 int32 An index to the first point in the mesh that makes up this face. < 9.5
p2 int32 An index to the second point in the mesh. < 9.5
p3 int32 An index to the third point in the mesh. < 9.5
p4 int32 An index to the fourth point in the mesh. < 9.5
t1 int32 Added in version 9.5 9.5
t2 int32 Added in version 9.5 9.5
t3 int32 Added in version 9.5 9.5
t4 int32 Added in version 9.5 9.5