Class M_Mesh

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Mesh class is a container for the actual vector shapes in a vector layer. It contains points, curves, and fill and outline shapes.

Methods of M_Mesh:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddGroup AddGroup(name) void Add a new point group, made up of the currently selected points < 9.5
AddLonePoint AddLonePoint(pos, frame) void Adds a lone, unconnected point to the mesh < 9.5
AddPoint AddPoint(pos, attachID, frame) void Add a new point to the mesh < 9.5
AddPoint AddPoint(pos, attachCurve, attachSeg, frame, correctBezierHandles, preserveCorners) void Add a new point to the mesh (modified in 12.0) < 9.5
AdvancedCurveSimplification AdvancedCurveSimplification(curveID, frame, reductionEpsilon, curveEpsilon, splitThreshold) void Added in version 12 12.0
AnimatedShapeOrder AnimatedShapeOrder() bool Added in version 11 11.0
AppendPoint AppendPoint(pos, frame) void Adds a new point, connecting it with a curve to either the AddLonePoint point, or the last call to AppendPoint < 9.5
ArePointsAdjacent ArePointsAdjacent(p1, p2) bool Tests whether two points are adjacent on a curve < 9.5
BakeCombinedShapes BakeCombinedShapes(shape, keepOriginals) int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
Clear Clear() void Completely empties a mesh of all points and curves < 9.5
ClosestPoint ClosestPoint(pos, ignoreID, maxPointID, endpointsOnly) int32 Returns the closest point to the given location < 9.5
CombineShapes CombineShapes(shape1, shape2, comboMode, blendFactor, keepOriginals) int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
CountCurves CountCurves() int32 Returns the number of curves in the mesh < 9.5
CountGroups CountGroups() int32 Returns the number of point groups in the mesh < 9.5
CountPoints CountPoints() int32 Returns the number of points in the mesh < 9.5
CountShapes CountShapes() int32 Returns the number of shapes in the mesh < 9.5
CountVisiblePoints CountVisiblePoints() int32 Added in version 10.1 10.1
Curve Curve(id) M_Curve Access a curve in the mesh < 9.5
CurveID CurveID(curve) int32 < 9.5
CurveInterpretation CurveInterpretation() int32 Returns the curve interpretation type (legacy or v7+) < 9.5
DeleteEdge DeleteEdge(curveID, segID, frame, correctBezierHandles) void Delete an edge of a curve < 9.5
DeleteGroup DeleteGroup(name) void Delete a point group from the mesh < 9.5
DeletePoint DeletePoint(id, preserveHandles) void Deletes a point from the mesh < 9.5
DeleteSelectedPoints DeleteSelectedPoints() void Added in version 12 12.0
DeleteShape DeleteShape(id) void Delete a fill or outline shape < 9.5
DeselectPoints DeselectPoints() void Deselects just points (Added in version 10) 10.0
EnableCleanup EnableCleanup(on, guaranteedClean) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
Group Group(id) M_PointGroup Access a point group in the mesh < 9.5
GroupID GroupID(group) int32 < 9.5
IsCurveValid IsCurveValid(curve) int32 < 9.5
IsShapeValid IsShapeValid(shape) int32 Added in version 12 12.0
LowerShape LowerShape(id, toBottom) void Lower a shape in the stacking order < 9.5
MakePointConsistentWithNeighbors MakePointConsistentWithNeighbors(id, frame) void < 9.5
PlaceShapeAbove PlaceShapeAbove(shapeIDToMove, shapeIDFixed) void Added in version 10 10.0
PlaceShapeBehind PlaceShapeBehind(shapeIDToMove, shapeIDFixed) void Added in version 10 10.0
Point Point(id) M_Point Access a point in the mesh < 9.5
PointID PointID(point) int32 < 9.5
PrepFixedHandles PrepFixedHandles(frame) void Added in version 12 12.0
PrepMovePoints PrepMovePoints() void Call this before moving a group of points around < 9.5
PreserveHandlePositions PreserveHandlePositions(frame) void Added in version 12 12.0
RaiseShape RaiseShape(id, toTop) void Raise a shape in the stacking order < 9.5
RotatePoints RotatePoints(angle, centerVec) void Rotate the currently selected points < 9.5
ScalePoints ScalePoints(sx, sy, centerVec, flipHandles) void Scale the currently selected points < 9.5
SelectAll SelectAll() void Select all points < 9.5
SelectConnected SelectConnected() void Select all points that are connected by curves to any currently selected points < 9.5
SelectedBounds SelectedBounds(min, max) void Returns the boundaries of the current selection < 9.5
SelectedCenter SelectedCenter() Vector2 Returns the location of the center point of the current group of selected points < 9.5
SelectGroup SelectGroup(name) void Select all the points in a given group < 9.5
SelectInverse SelectInverse() void Invert the current selection < 9.5
SelectNone SelectNone() void deselects points and shapes < 9.5
SetAnimatedShapeOrder SetAnimatedShapeOrder(b) void Added in version 11 11.0
SetCurveInterpretation SetCurveInterpretation(interp) void Sets the curve interpretation mode (legacy or v7+) < 9.5
Shape Shape(id) M_Shape Access a shape in the mesh < 9.5
ShapeByID ShapeByID(id) M_Shape Added in version 11 11.0
ShapeByName ShapeByName(name) M_Shape < 9.5
ShapeID ShapeID(shape) int32 < 9.5
SimplifyCurve SimplifyCurve(curveID, angleTolerance) void < 9.5
StoreShapeOrder StoreShapeOrder() void Added in version 11 11.0
TransformPoints TransformPoints(offset, sx, sy, angle, centerVec) void < 9.5
TranslatePoints TranslatePoints(offset) void Translate the currently selected points < 9.5
UserEdgeShape UserEdgeShape() M_Shape 13.5.2
VisiblePoint VisiblePoint(id) M_Point Added in version 10.1 10.1
WeldPoints WeldPoints(movingID, solidID, frame) bool Welds two points together < 9.5