Class M_Mesh3D

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Mesh3D class represents a 3D object in a Mesh3DLayer.

Methods of M_Mesh3D:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddFace AddFace(p1, p2, p3) void Add a new three-sided face to the mesh < 9.5
AddFace AddFace(p1, p2, p3, p4) void Add a new four-sided face to the mesh < 9.5
AddFaceWithTexture AddFaceWithTexture(p1, p2, p3) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
AddFaceWithTexture AddFaceWithTexture(p1, p2, p3, p4) void Added in version 9.5 9.5
AddMaterial AddMaterial(m) void Adds a material to the mesh < 9.5
AddNormal AddNormal(vec) void < 9.5
AddPoint AddPoint(vec) int32 Add a new point to the mesh < 9.5
AddTexturePoint AddTexturePoint(vec) void Add a new texture coordinate < 9.5
AddUniquePoint AddUniquePoint(vec) int32 < 9.5
Clear Clear() void Completely empties the mesh of all points, faces, materials, etc < 9.5
Clockwise Clockwise() bool Test whether front-facing 3D faces are aligned clockwise or counter-clockwise < 9.5
CountFaces CountFaces() int32 Return the number of faces in the 3D mesh < 9.5
CountMaterials CountMaterials() int32 Returns the number of materials in the mesh < 9.5
CountNormals CountNormals() int32 < 9.5
CountPoints CountPoints() int32 Returns the number of points in the mesh < 9.5
CountTexturePoints CountTexturePoints() int32 Return the number of texture coordinates < 9.5
CreateNewMaterial CreateNewMaterial(name) M_Material3D Creates a new material in the mesh < 9.5
DefaultColor DefaultColor() rgb_color Get the default color for faces with no assigned material < 9.5
DefaultEdgeColor DefaultEdgeColor() rgb_color < 9.5
DefaultEdgeWidth DefaultEdgeWidth() real < 9.5
Face Face(id) M_Face3D Get the properties of a particular face in the mesh < 9.5
Material Material(id) M_Material3D Gets the properties for a given material < 9.5
Normal Normal(id) Vector3 < 9.5
Point Point(id) Vector3 Get the position of a point in the mesh < 9.5
RebuildEdgeList RebuildEdgeList() void < 9.5
RebuildNormals RebuildNormals(overrideExisting) void < 9.5
RemoveFace RemoveFace(id) void Delete a face from the mesh < 9.5
RemoveMaterial RemoveMaterial(id) void Deletes a material from the mesh < 9.5
RemoveNormal RemoveNormal(id) void < 9.5
RemovePoint RemovePoint(id) void Remove a point from the mesh < 9.5
RemoveTexturePoint RemoveTexturePoint(id) void Remove a texture coordinate from the mesh < 9.5
ScaleToRadius ScaleToRadius(r) void Scale an entire mesh to fit a given radius < 9.5
SetClockwise SetClockwise(b) void Set whether front-facing 3D faces are aligned clockwise or counter-clockwise < 9.5
SetCurMaterial SetCurMaterial(id) void < 9.5
SetDefaultColor SetDefaultColor(col) void Set the default color for faces with no assigned material < 9.5
SetDefaultEdgeColor SetDefaultEdgeColor(col) void < 9.5
SetDefaultEdgeWidth SetDefaultEdgeWidth(width) void < 9.5
SetNormal SetNormal(id, vec) void < 9.5
SetPoint SetPoint(id, vec) void Change an existing point's position < 9.5
TexturePoint TexturePoint(id) Vector2 Get the value of a texture coordinate < 9.5