Class M_Style
Version added: before 9.5
The M_Style class represents the visual style of a shape, either the shape's own style or an inherited style
Methods of M_Style:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
ArePropertiesEqual ArePropertiesEqual(style) | bool | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
SetGradient SetGradient(gradientType, allowTransparency) | void | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
SetGradientColor SetGradientColor(position, color) | void | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
SetHalo SetHalo(haloRadius, blurRadius, haloColor, haloOnly) | void | Applies a halo effect | < 9.5 |
SetShading SetShading(angle, offset, blur, color) | void | Applies a shading effect | < 9.5 |
SetShadow SetShadow(angle, offset, blur, color) | void | Applies a drop shadow effect | < 9.5 |
SetSoftEdge SetSoftEdge(radius) | void | Applies a soft edge effect | < 9.5 |
SetStrokeHalo SetStrokeHalo(haloRadius, blurRadius, haloColor, haloOnly) | void | Applies a halo effect to the stroke | < 9.5 |
SetStrokeSoftEdge SetStrokeSoftEdge(radius) | void | Applies a soft edge effect to the stroke | < 9.5 |
Properties of M_Style:
Name | Type | Description | Ver |
fBrushAlign | bool | < 9.5 | |
fBrushAngleDrift | real | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
fBrushHueDrift | real | Added in version 14.3 | < 9.5 |
fBrushIsColor | bool | < 9.5 | |
fBrushJitter | real | < 9.5 | |
fBrushMergedAlpha | bool | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
fBrushName | String | < 9.5 | |
fBrushRandomInterval | int32 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
fBrushRandomize | bool | < 9.5 | |
fBrushRandomOrder | bool | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
fBrushSatDrift | real | Added in version 14.3 | < 9.5 |
fBrushSizeVariationAmp | real | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
fBrushSizeVariationScale | real | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
fBrushSpacing | real | < 9.5 | |
fBrushTint | bool | < 9.5 | |
fBrushValDrift | real | Added in version 14.3 | < 9.5 |
fDefineFillCol | bool | True if this style defines a fill color, otherwise false | < 9.5 |
fDefineLineCol | bool | True if this style defines a line color, otherwise false | < 9.5 |
fDefineLineWidth | bool | True if this style defines a line width, otherwise false | < 9.5 |
fFillCol | AnimColor | The style's fill color | < 9.5 |
fLineCaps | int32 | 0 means none, 1 - round | < 9.5 |
fLineCol | AnimColor | The style's line color | < 9.5 |
fLineWidth | real | The style's line width | < 9.5 |
fName | String | The name of the style. | < 9.5 |
fUUID | String | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |