Class M_Style

Version added: before 9.5
The M_Style class represents the visual style of a shape, either the shape's own style or an inherited style

Methods of M_Style:

Name Returns Description Ver
ArePropertiesEqual ArePropertiesEqual(style) bool Added in version 11 11.0
SetGradient SetGradient(gradientType, allowTransparency) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetGradientColor SetGradientColor(position, color) void Added in version 14.0 14.0
SetHalo SetHalo(haloRadius, blurRadius, haloColor, haloOnly) void Applies a halo effect < 9.5
SetShading SetShading(angle, offset, blur, color) void Applies a shading effect < 9.5
SetShadow SetShadow(angle, offset, blur, color) void Applies a drop shadow effect < 9.5
SetSoftEdge SetSoftEdge(radius) void Applies a soft edge effect < 9.5
SetStrokeHalo SetStrokeHalo(haloRadius, blurRadius, haloColor, haloOnly) void Applies a halo effect to the stroke < 9.5
SetStrokeSoftEdge SetStrokeSoftEdge(radius) void Applies a soft edge effect to the stroke < 9.5

Properties of M_Style:

Name Type Description Ver
fBrushAlign bool < 9.5
fBrushAngleDrift real Added in version 11 11.0
fBrushHueDrift real Added in version 14.3 < 9.5
fBrushIsColor bool < 9.5
fBrushJitter real < 9.5
fBrushMergedAlpha bool Added in version 11 11.0
fBrushName String < 9.5
fBrushRandomInterval int32 Added in version 14.0 14.0
fBrushRandomize bool < 9.5
fBrushRandomOrder bool Added in version 11 11.0
fBrushSatDrift real Added in version 14.3 < 9.5
fBrushSizeVariationAmp real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fBrushSizeVariationScale real Added in version 14.0 14.0
fBrushSpacing real < 9.5
fBrushTint bool < 9.5
fBrushValDrift real Added in version 14.3 < 9.5
fDefineFillCol bool True if this style defines a fill color, otherwise false < 9.5
fDefineLineCol bool True if this style defines a line color, otherwise false < 9.5
fDefineLineWidth bool True if this style defines a line width, otherwise false < 9.5
fFillCol AnimColor The style's fill color < 9.5
fLineCaps int32 0 means none, 1 - round < 9.5
fLineCol AnimColor The style's line color < 9.5
fLineWidth real The style's line width < 9.5
fName String The name of the style. < 9.5
fUUID String Added in version 11 11.0