ActionDuration ActionDuration(name)
int32 |
< 9.5 |
ActionID ActionID(name)
int32 |
< 9.5 |
ActionName ActionName(id)
char |
< 9.5 |
ActivateAction ActivateAction(name)
void |
Activates an action for editing |
< 9.5 |
AddKey AddKey(frame, recursive, animatedChannelsOnly)
void |
< 9.5 |
AddToFlexiBoneSubset AddToFlexiBoneSubset(boneID)
void |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
AlignWithCamera AlignWithCamera(frame, doc, useLayerBounds)
void |
< 9.5 |
AncestorSwitchChild AncestorSwitchChild()
MohoLayer |
< 9.5 |
AncestorSwitchLayer AncestorSwitchLayer()
SwitchLayer |
< 9.5 |
AnimDuration AnimDuration()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
AreChannelsConsolidated AreChannelsConsolidated()
bool |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
BlendActions BlendActions(frame, relativeToDefault, numToBlend, names[numToBlend], percentages[numToBlend])
void |
< 9.5 |
BlendActions BlendActions(frame, blendMode, numToBlend, names[numToBlend], percentages[numToBlend], frames[numToBlend])
void |
< 9.5 |
BlendingMode BlendingMode()
int32 |
Get the layer's blending mode |
< 9.5 |
Bounds Bounds(frame)
BBox |
< 9.5 |
BreakLayerReference BreakLayerReference()
void |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
Channel Channel(id, subID, doc)
AnimChannel |
< 9.5 |
ClearAnimation ClearAnimation(recursive, fromFrame, before)
void |
< 9.5 |
ClearFlexiBoneSubset ClearFlexiBoneSubset()
void |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
ClearLayerKeyCount ClearLayerKeyCount()
void |
< 9.5 |
ConstructionCurvesOn ConstructionCurvesOn()
bool |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
ControllingBoneLayer ControllingBoneLayer()
BoneLayer |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
ControllingSkeleton ControllingSkeleton()
M_Skeleton |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
CopyFrame CopyFrame(fromFrame, toFrame, recursive)
void |
< 9.5 |
CopyTransform CopyTransform(fromLayer)
void |
Added in version 14.0 |
14.0 |
CountActions CountActions()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
CountChannels CountChannels()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
CountLayerKeys CountLayerKeys()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
CurFrame CurFrame()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
CurrentAction CurrentAction()
char |
Returns the name of the current action being edited |
< 9.5 |
DeleteAction DeleteAction(name)
void |
< 9.5 |
DeleteFrame DeleteFrame(frame, recursive)
void |
< 9.5 |
DeleteKeysAtFrame DeleteKeysAtFrame(recursive, frame)
void |
< 9.5 |
DeleteParentBone DeleteParentBone(boneID)
void |
Call this function before deleting a bone in a parent bone layer |
< 9.5 |
DocToLayerFrame DocToLayerFrame(docFrame)
int32 |
Added in version 10 |
10.0 |
DoesFaceCamera DoesFaceCamera()
bool |
< 9.5 |
DoesRotateToFollow DoesRotateToFollow()
bool |
< 9.5 |
FaceCameraMode FaceCameraMode()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
FreeCachedImage FreeCachedImage()
void |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
GetChannelInfo GetChannelInfo(id, channelInfo)
void |
< 9.5 |
GetDistortionMeshLayer GetDistortionMeshLayer()
MohoLayer |
Gets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:GetWarpLayer |
12.0 |
GetFollowingCurve GetFollowingCurve()
M_Curve |
< 9.5 |
GetFollowingLayer GetFollowingLayer()
MohoLayer |
< 9.5 |
GetFullTransform GetFullTransform(frame, matrix, doc)
void |
Gets the layer's complete transformation at a given frame, including the effects of its parent layers |
< 9.5 |
GetLayerKeyWhen GetLayerKeyWhen(keyID)
int32 |
< 9.5 |
GetLayerRefInfo GetLayerRefInfo(refInfo)
void |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
GetLayerTransform GetLayerTransform(frame, matrix, doc)
void |
Gets the layer's transformation at a given frame |
< 9.5 |
GetParentBoneTransform GetParentBoneTransform(frame, matrix, doc)
void |
< 9.5 |
GetParentTransform GetParentTransform(frame, matrix, doc)
void |
Gets the parent layer's transformation at a given frame |
< 9.5 |
GetWarpLayer GetWarpLayer()
MohoLayer |
Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:GetDistortionMeshLayer |
14.0 |
HasAction HasAction(name)
bool |
< 9.5 |
HasAnimatedLayerEffects HasAnimatedLayerEffects()
bool |
< 9.5 |
HasScaleCompensation HasScaleCompensation()
bool |
< 9.5 |
HsvImage HsvImage(outAccess)
char |
Returns a file path to the layer's HSV modifier image |
< 9.5 |
InsertAction InsertAction(name, frame, byReference)
void |
Inserts an action into the current active timeline |
< 9.5 |
IsAncestorSelected IsAncestorSelected()
bool |
Added in version 11.1 |
11.1 |
IsAudioType IsAudioType()
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsBoneType IsBoneType()
bool |
Test whether a layer is a bone layer, or sub-type of bone layer (switch) |
< 9.5 |
IsEditOnly IsEditOnly()
bool |
Getter method for the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings |
< 9.5 |
IsGroupType IsGroupType()
bool |
Test whether a layer is a group layer, or sub-type of group layer (bone, particle, or switch) |
< 9.5 |
IsIgnoredByLayerPicker IsIgnoredByLayerPicker()
bool |
13.5.2 |
IsImmuneToCamera IsImmuneToCamera()
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsImmuneToDof IsImmuneToDof()
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsIncludedInFlexiBoneSubset IsIncludedInFlexiBoneSubset(boneID)
bool |
Added in version 12.2 |
12.2 |
IsLocked IsLocked()
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsPhysicsInEffect IsPhysicsInEffect(frame)
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsReferencedLayer IsReferencedLayer()
bool |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
IsReferenceExternal IsReferenceExternal()
bool |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
IsReferenceOutdated IsReferenceOutdated()
bool |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
IsRenderOnly IsRenderOnly()
bool |
Getter method for the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings |
< 9.5 |
IsShownOnTimeline IsShownOnTimeline()
bool |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
IsSmartBoneAction IsSmartBoneAction(name)
bool |
< 9.5 |
IsVisible IsVisible()
bool |
visibility (non-animated value) |
< 9.5 |
LabelColor LabelColor()
int32 |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
LayerDuration LayerDuration()
int32 |
The duration of the video, audio, or image sequence |
< 9.5 |
LayerParentBone LayerParentBone()
int32 |
Get the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone |
< 9.5 |
LayerScript LayerScript(outAccess)
char |
< 9.5 |
LayerType LayerType()
int32 |
Use this function to find out what type of layer you're dealing with |
< 9.5 |
MarkFlexiBoneSubsetAsElbow MarkFlexiBoneSubsetAsElbow(b)
void |
Added in version 10 |
10.0 |
MarkReferenceOutdated MarkReferenceOutdated()
void |
Use this method to refresh the reference |
11.0 |
MaskExpansion MaskExpansion()
bool |
< 9.5 |
MaskingMode MaskingMode()
int32 |
Get the layer's masking mode |
< 9.5 |
Metadata Metadata()
LM_Message |
will be removed from the API in a future release as AS11 now has the ScriptData object |
< 9.5 |
Name Name()
char |
Returns the name of the layer |
< 9.5 |
Origin Origin()
Vector2 |
Get the origin point of the layer |
< 9.5 |
Parent Parent()
GroupLayer |
Get the layer's parent layer (if any) |
< 9.5 |
PhysicsOptions PhysicsOptions()
MohoPhysicsOptions |
< 9.5 |
PhysicsParent PhysicsParent(frame)
GroupLayer |
< 9.5 |
QualityFlags QualityFlags()
int32 |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
RemoveFromFlexiBoneSubset RemoveFromFlexiBoneSubset(boneID)
void |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
RenameAction RenameAction(oldName, newName)
void |
< 9.5 |
ReorderAction ReorderAction(moveName, placeAfterName)
void |
< 9.5 |
ResetAnimation ResetAnimation(recursive, animatedChannelsOnly)
void |
< 9.5 |
RunLayerScript RunLayerScript()
void |
< 9.5 |
ScaleNormalization ScaleNormalization()
real |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
ScriptData ScriptData()
LM_Message |
Added in version 11 - use this and not MetaData |
11.0 |
SecondarySelection SecondarySelection()
bool |
< 9.5 |
SetAnimatedLayerEffects SetAnimatedLayerEffects(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetBlendingMode SetBlendingMode(mode)
void |
Set the layer's blending mode |
< 9.5 |
SetConsolidatedChannels SetConsolidatedChannels(b)
void |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
SetDistortionMeshLayer SetDistortionMeshLayer(layer)
void |
Sets the layer's smart warp layer. In Moho 14.0, replaced by MohoLayer:SetWarpLayer |
12.0 |
SetEditOnly SetEditOnly(b)
void |
An equivalent of the "Don't render this layer" checkbox in the layer settings |
< 9.5 |
SetFaceCamera SetFaceCamera(b, mode)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetFollowingCurve SetFollowingCurve(layer, curve, startingCurvePercentage, bendWithCurve)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetHsvImage SetHsvImage(path)
void |
Sets the file path to the layer's HSV modifier image |
< 9.5 |
SetIgnoredByLayerPicker SetIgnoredByLayerPicker(b)
void |
13.5.2 |
SetImmuneToCamera SetImmuneToCamera(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetImmuneToDof SetImmuneToDof(b)
void |
Sets whether the layer is immune to depth of field effects |
< 9.5 |
SetLabelColor SetLabelColor(colID)
void |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
SetLayerParentBone SetLayerParentBone(id)
void |
Set the id number of the layer's controlling parent bone |
< 9.5 |
SetLayerScript SetLayerScript(path)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetLocked SetLocked(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetMaskExpansion SetMaskExpansion(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetMaskingMode SetMaskingMode(mode)
void |
Set the layer's masking mode. See the masking mode constants. |
< 9.5 |
SetName SetName(name)
void |
Sets a layer's name |
< 9.5 |
SetOrigin SetOrigin(origin)
void |
Set the origin point of the layer |
< 9.5 |
SetOriginWithTransformCorrection SetOriginWithTransformCorrection(origin)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetQualityFlags SetQualityFlags(flags, recursive)
void |
Added in version 9.5 |
9.5 |
SetRenderOnly SetRenderOnly(b)
void |
An equivalent of the "Hide in editing view" checkbox in the layer settings |
< 9.5 |
SetRotateToFollow SetRotateToFollow(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetScaleCompensation SetScaleCompensation(b)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetScaleNormalization SetScaleNormalization(f)
void |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
SetSecondarySelection SetSecondarySelection(sel)
void |
< 9.5 |
SetShownOnTimeline SetShownOnTimeline(b)
void |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
SetTimingOffset SetTimingOffset(timingOffset)
void |
Moves the layer start time |
< 9.5 |
SetUserComments SetUserComments(comments)
void |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
SetUserTags SetUserTags(tags)
void |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
SetVisible SetVisible(vis)
void |
Sets the layer's visibility in the workarea |
< 9.5 |
SetWarpLayer SetWarpLayer(layer)
void |
Added in version 14.0 to replace MohoLayer:SetDistortionMeshLayer |
14.0 |
ShowConstructionCurves ShowConstructionCurves(b)
void |
Toggle whether to display construction curves for this layer |
< 9.5 |
TimingOffset TimingOffset()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
TotalTimingOffset TotalTimingOffset()
int32 |
< 9.5 |
UpdateCurFrame UpdateCurFrame(extended)
void |
Recalculates animated properties for this layer |
< 9.5 |
UpdateReferencedLayer UpdateReferencedLayer(syncOptions)
bool |
Added in version 11 |
11.0 |
UserComments UserComments()
char |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
UserTags UserTags()
char |
Added in version 12 |
12.0 |
char |
< 9.5 |