Class MohoDoc

Version added: before 9.5
The MohoDoc class represents the current Moho document object.

d = moho.document returns the current document object open in Moho.
d is of type MohoDoc - see the ScriptInterface class.

Methods of MohoDoc:

Name Returns Description Ver
AddLayerComp AddLayerComp(comp) void Added in version 10 10.0
AddLayerCompWithName AddLayerCompWithName(name) LayerComp Added in version 12 12.0
AddStyle AddStyle(style) void < 9.5
AddStyle AddStyle(styleName) M_Style Added in version 14.0 14.0
Allow3D Allow3D() bool < 9.5
AnimDuration AnimDuration() int32 Returns the duration of the document's animation < 9.5
ApplyLayerComp ApplyLayerComp(comp, state) void Added in version 10 10.0
ApplyLayerComp ApplyLayerComp(comp, state, layer) void Added in version 10 10.0
AspectRatio AspectRatio() real Returns the aspect ratio of the final rendered output < 9.5
BackCol BackCol() rgb_color < 9.5
CleanLayerComps CleanLayerComps() void Added in version 10 10.0
ClearAnimation ClearAnimation(fromFrame, before) void < 9.5
ClearSecondarySelection ClearSecondarySelection(group) void < 9.5
CountLayerComps CountLayerComps() int32 Added in version 10 10.0
CountLayers CountLayers() int32 Returns the number of top-level layers in the document < 9.5
CountSelectedLayers CountSelectedLayers(group) int32 Returns number of selected layers. < 9.5
CountStyles CountStyles() int32 < 9.5
CurrentDocAction CurrentDocAction() char Returns the name of the current action, or an empty string for the mainline 10.0
DeleteKeysAtFrame DeleteKeysAtFrame(frame) void < 9.5
DeleteLayerComp DeleteLayerComp(inID) void Added in version 10 10.0
DepthSort DepthSort() void Performs a depth sort on all layers in the document < 9.5
DuplicateLayer DuplicateLayer(origLayer) MohoLayer < 9.5
EndFrame EndFrame() int32 Return's the document's end frame < 9.5
Fps Fps() real Returns the frame rate of the document (frames per second) < 9.5
GetCameraDirection GetCameraDirection() Vector3 < 9.5
GetCameraMatrix GetCameraMatrix(frame, m) void < 9.5
GetLayerComp GetLayerComp(id) LayerComp Added in version 10 10.0
GetOutsideViewMatrix GetOutsideViewMatrix(m) void Returns the transformation matrix for viewing the scene from the "orbit" view < 9.5
GetSelectedLayer GetSelectedLayer(id) MohoLayer < 9.5
GlobalRenderStyle GlobalRenderStyle() MohoRenderStyle < 9.5
Height Height() int32 Returns the pixel height of the final rendered output < 9.5
IsLayerValid IsLayerValid(layer) bool < 9.5
IsLayerValid IsLayerValid(uuid) bool < 9.5
IsOutsideViewEnabled IsOutsideViewEnabled() bool Returns true if the user is orbiting the workspace, and not viewing the scene through the camera < 9.5
IsRedoable IsRedoable() bool < 9.5
IsStyleUsed IsStyleUsed(style, layer) bool < 9.5
IsUndoable IsUndoable() bool < 9.5
Layer Layer(id) MohoLayer Access an individual layer in the document < 9.5
LayerAbsoluteID LayerAbsoluteID(layer) int32 Returns layer's absolute ID no matter its hierarchy level < 9.5
LayerByAbsoluteID LayerByAbsoluteID(id) MohoLayer Returns a layer by its current absolute ID < 9.5
LayerByName LayerByName(name) MohoLayer < 9.5
LayerID LayerID(layer) int32 Returns document's top level layer's ID < 9.5
Metadata Metadata() LM_Message Added in version 10 10.0
Name Name() char < 9.5
NoiseGrain NoiseGrain() int32 < 9.5
Path Path(outAccess) char returns the full path for the current document < 9.5
PrepMultiUndo PrepMultiUndo(shallow) void Marks an Undo point for multiple selected layers. < 9.5
PrepUndo PrepUndo(undoAction, layer, shallow, willOnlyAddPoints) void Added in version 12.2 12.2
PrepUndo PrepUndo(layer, shallow, willOnlyAddPoints) void Mark a point in editing that the user can "undo" to return to < 9.5
Redo Redo() void < 9.5
Refresh Refresh() void Added in version 9.5 9.5
RelinkStyles RelinkStyles(layer) void < 9.5
RemoveStyle RemoveStyle(style, layer) void < 9.5
RenameStyle RenameStyle(oldName, newName, layer) void < 9.5
SetAllow3D SetAllow3D(b) void < 9.5
SetBackCol SetBackCol(col) void < 9.5
SetCurrentDocAction SetCurrentDocAction(poseName) void Added in version 10 10.0
SetDirty SetDirty() void Marks the document as "dirty" or modified, prompting the user to save if they try to quit < 9.5
SetEndFrame SetEndFrame(frame) void Sets the document's end frame < 9.5
SetFps SetFps(fps) void < 9.5
SetNoiseGrain SetNoiseGrain(ng) void < 9.5
SetShape SetShape(w, h) void Set's the pixel width and height of the final rendered output < 9.5
SetStartFrame SetStartFrame(frame) void Sets the document's start frame < 9.5
SetStereoSeparation SetStereoSeparation(ss) void < 9.5
SetUserComments SetUserComments(comments) void Added in version 12 12.0
SetUserTags SetUserTags(tags) void Added in version 12 12.0
StartFrame StartFrame() int32 Returns the document's start frame (typically 1) < 9.5
StereoSeparation StereoSeparation() real < 9.5
StripUserComments StripUserComments() void Strips comments from document and all layers 12.0
StripUserTags StripUserTags() void Strips tags from document and all layers 12.0
Style Style(styleName) M_Style This method is working as specified when called with a character string < 9.5
StyleByID StyleByID(id) M_Style Added in version 12 12.0
Undo Undo() void < 9.5
UserComments UserComments() char Added in version 12 12.0
UserTags UserTags() char Added in version 12 12.0
Width Width() int32 Returns the pixel width of the final rendered output < 9.5

Properties of MohoDoc:

Name Type Description Ver
fCameraPanTilt AnimVec2 the camera pan/tilt animation channel. the x component is tilt (i.e. rotation around the camera's x axis); the y component is pan < 9.5
fCameraRoll AnimVal the camera roll animation channel (i.e. rotation around the camera's z axis) < 9.5
fCameraTrack AnimVec3 the camera tracking animation channel < 9.5
fCameraZoom AnimVal the camera zoom animation channel. The value in this channel is: Base FoV(v)/FoV(v). [FoV(v) is Field of View (vertical). Base FoV(v) is defined by the global constant LM_ZoomCamera.DEFAULT_FOV = 60 degrees (1.0472 Rad) in AS11 and previous] < 9.5
fTimelineMarkers AnimString Added in version 10.1 10.1