Class MohoView

Version added: before 9.5
The MohoView class is a script's interface to the Moho editing view.

Methods of MohoView:

Name Returns Description Ver
DrawMe DrawMe() void Causes the view to completely redraw the current scene < 9.5
DrawPreviewShape DrawPreviewShape(fill, outline) void Draws a "preview" shape by evaluating the selected points in the current vector layer as a shape, and drawing it in a highlighted mode < 9.5
FloodSelect FloodSelect(where, tolerance, skipImageEdges, curveEndExtensionDistance, useShapeStrokes, expansionOnStrokes) void < 9.5
GPUMode GPUMode() bool Added in version 10 10.0
Graphics Graphics() XGraphics Returns a graphics object to use for custom drawing in the view < 9.5
IsStereoEnabled IsStereoEnabled() bool < 9.5
IsStereoOn IsStereoOn() bool < 9.5
IsTracingEnabled IsTracingEnabled() bool < 9.5
IsTracingOn IsTracingOn() bool < 9.5
OrbitDown OrbitDown(where) void < 9.5
OrbitMoved OrbitMoved(where) void < 9.5
OrbitUp OrbitUp(where) void < 9.5
PanDown PanDown(where) void < 9.5
PanMoved PanMoved(where) void < 9.5
PanUp PanUp(where) void < 9.5
PickBone PickBone(where, clickVec, layer, exact, pickWidth, ignoreBone) int32 Picks a bone near the given pixel location < 9.5
PickEdge PickEdge(where, curveID, segID, pickWidth) int32, int32 Picks an edge near the given pixel location < 9.5
PickEdgeAlongCurve PickEdgeAlongCurve(cpt1, cpt2, cpt3, cpt4, curveID, segID, skipMinSegID, skipMaxSegID, skipBeginning, skipEnd) Point Added in version 12 12.0
PickEdgeAlongLine PickEdgeAlongLine(lineEnd1, lineEnd2, curveID, segID, skipMinSegID, skipMaxSegID) Point < 9.5
PickFace PickFace(where, pickWidth) int32 < 9.5
PickGlobalEdge PickGlobalEdge(where, curveID, segID, pickWidth) int32, int32, MohoLayer < 9.5
PickGlobalLayer PickGlobalLayer(where, pickWidth) MohoLayer < 9.5
PickGlobalShape PickGlobalShape(where, noHigherThan, pickWidth) M_Shape < 9.5
PickPoint PickPoint(where, pickWidth) int32 Picks a point near the given pixel location < 9.5
PickShape PickShape(where, noHigherThan, pickWidth) int32 Picks a shape near the given pixel location < 9.5
Point2Vec Point2Vec(where, layerM) Vector2 Converts a pixel location to a 2D vector location, given a specific transformation matrix < 9.5
QualityFlags QualityFlags() int32 Get the current display quality of the viewport < 9.5
RefreshView RefreshView() void < 9.5
ResetView ResetView(mode) void Reset or zoom in on the view < 9.5
RotateDown RotateDown(where) void < 9.5
RotateMoved RotateMoved(where) void < 9.5
RotateUp RotateUp(where) void < 9.5
SampleColor SampleColor(where) rgb_color Added in version 9.5 9.5
SetQualityFlags SetQualityFlags(qualityFlags) void Set the display quality of the viewport < 9.5
SetTracingImage SetTracingImage(path) void < 9.5
TurnStereoOn TurnStereoOn(b) void < 9.5
TurnTracingOn TurnTracingOn(b) void < 9.5
ZoomDown ZoomDown(where) void < 9.5
ZoomMoved ZoomMoved(where) void < 9.5
ZoomUp ZoomUp(where) void < 9.5

Methods inherited from LM_View:

Name Returns Description Ver
Enable Enable(enable) void Enables or disables a view object < 9.5
Height Height() int32 Added in version 11 11.0
IsEnabled IsEnabled() bool Tells whether the view is currently enabled < 9.5
IsMouseDragging IsMouseDragging(button) bool Added in version 11 11.0
SetCursor SetCursor(cursor) void Change the cursor < 9.5
SetToolTip SetToolTip(tooltip) void Added in version 12 12.0
Width Width() int32 Added in version 11 11.0