Class ScriptInterface
Version added: before 9.5
The ScriptInterface class is a script's way of interacting with the Moho application itself. When a script is invoked (by a mouse click, a key press, or a menu command), it is provided with an object called "moho" - this object is an instance of the ScriptInterface class.
Methods of ScriptInterface:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
AddPointKeyframe AddPointKeyframe(frame, layer, allSelectedKeys) | void | Adds a point motion keyframe to all the currently selected vector points | < 9.5 |
AlignLayers AlignLayers(alignMessage) | void | Added in version 11.1 | 11.1 |
AppDir AppDir(variantDir) | char | Returns the path to Moho's application data | < 9.5 |
AppVersion AppVersion() | char | Added in version 9.5 - Gets the AS version number as a text string | 9.5 |
BeginFileListing BeginFileListing(dir, listHiddenAndSystemFiles) | void | < 9.5 | |
BindingKeyName BindingKeyName() | char | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
ChannelAsAnimBool ChannelAsAnimBool(ch) | AnimBool | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
ChannelAsAnimColor ChannelAsAnimColor(ch) | AnimColor | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
ChannelAsAnimString ChannelAsAnimString(ch) | AnimString | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
ChannelAsAnimVal ChannelAsAnimVal(ch) | AnimVal | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
ChannelAsAnimVec2 ChannelAsAnimVec2(ch) | AnimVec2 | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
ChannelAsAnimVec3 ChannelAsAnimVec3(ch) | AnimVec3 | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
CheckIfLocked CheckIfLocked(layer, showAlert) | bool | < 9.5 | |
Click Click() | void | Play a little clicking sound | < 9.5 |
ClipboardText ClipboardText() | char | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
Copy Copy(mesh) | void | Basically the same as pressing Ctrl+C | < 9.5 |
CopyAlternate CopyAlternate(mesh) | void | < 9.5 | |
CopyColor CopyColor(color) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CopyText CopyText(text) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CountAudioLayers CountAudioLayers() | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CountBones CountBones() | int32 | Returns the number of bones in the current bone layer | < 9.5 |
CountCurves CountCurves() | int32 | Returns the number of curves in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountEdges CountEdges() | int32 | Returns the number of edges in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountFilledShapes CountFilledShapes() | int32 | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
CountPoints CountPoints() | int32 | Returns the number of points in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountSelectedBones CountSelectedBones(updateCount) | int32 | Returns the number of selected bones in the current bone layer | < 9.5 |
CountSelectedCurves CountSelectedCurves(updateCount) | int32 | < 9.5 | |
CountSelectedEdges CountSelectedEdges(updateCount) | int32 | Returns the number of selected edges in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountSelectedFilledShapes CountSelectedFilledShapes() | int32 | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
CountSelectedPoints CountSelectedPoints(updateCount) | int32 | Returns the number of selected points in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountSelectedShapes CountSelectedShapes(updateCount) | int32 | Returns the number of selected shapes in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CountShapes CountShapes() | int32 | Returns the number of shapes in the current vector layer | < 9.5 |
CreateNewLayer CreateNewLayer(layerType, undoable) | MohoLayer | Creates a new layer, inserts it directly above the currently selected layer in the Layers window, and makes it the selected layer | < 9.5 |
CreateShape CreateShape(filled, behindNeighborStrokes, frame, checkForBadShapes, skipDuplicateStrokes, skipFill, skipLine) | int32 | Creates a shape based on the currently selected vector points | < 9.5 |
CreateTextObject CreateTextObject() | void | < 9.5 | |
CurrentEditStyle CurrentEditStyle() | M_Style | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
CurrentTool CurrentTool() | char | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
DeleteLayer DeleteLayer(layer) | void | < 9.5 | |
DeleteMultipleLayers DeleteMultipleLayers() | void | Deletes selected layers | < 9.5 |
DeselectShapes DeselectShapes() | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
DestroyDocument DestroyDocument(doc) | void | < 9.5 | |
DisableDrawingTools DisableDrawingTools() | bool | < 9.5 | |
DocToPixel DocToPixel(doc) | real | When the user specifies things like line width, blur radius, and shadow offset in Moho, they enter a value in pixels | < 9.5 |
DrawingMesh DrawingMesh() | M_Mesh | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
DrawShape DrawShape(g, mesh, shapeID) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
DuplicateLayer DuplicateLayer(layer, byReference) | MohoLayer | Duplicates the given layer, placing the new copy above the old one and making it the selected layer | < 9.5 |
EditLayerSettings EditLayerSettings() | void | Doesn't seem to do anything. | < 9.5 |
ExporterPath ExporterPath() | char | Added in version 12 | 12.0 |
FileClose FileClose() | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
FileImport FileImport(path, mode) | void | < 9.5 | |
FileNew FileNew() | void | < 9.5 | |
FileOpen FileOpen(path) | void | < 9.5 | |
FileRender FileRender(path) | void | Render current frame | < 9.5 |
FileSave FileSave() | void | < 9.5 | |
FileSaveAs FileSaveAs(path) | void | < 9.5 | |
FillInFontList FillInFontList(list) | void | Fills in an LM_TextList interface object with the list of available fonts on the system | < 9.5 |
GetAudioLayer GetAudioLayer(id) | AudioLayer | < 9.5 | |
GetNextFile GetNextFile() | char | < 9.5 | |
HasMaximumSmartBones HasMaximumSmartBones() | bool | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
HasMaximumWarpLayers HasMaximumWarpLayers() | bool | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
ImportEPS ImportEPS(path) | void | Import an EPS or Adobe Illustrator file into Moho, creating a new vector layer to hold it | < 9.5 |
InsertText InsertText(text, font, fill, stroke, groupTogether, centerH, lineOffset) | void | Deprecated. Use the new InsertText method instead. | < 9.5 |
InsertText InsertText(textParams, lineOffset) | void | Creates a new text object | < 9.5 |
IsCopyable IsCopyable() | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsPasteable IsPasteable() | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsPlaying IsPlaying() | bool | < 9.5 | |
IsPro IsPro() | bool | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
LayerAs3D LayerAs3D(layer) | Mesh3DLayer | Converts a generic layer object into a 3D layer | < 9.5 |
LayerAsAudio LayerAsAudio(layer) | AudioLayer | < 9.5 | |
LayerAsBone LayerAsBone(layer) | BoneLayer | < 9.5 | |
LayerAsGroup LayerAsGroup(layer) | GroupLayer | Converts a generic layer object into a group layer | < 9.5 |
LayerAsImage LayerAsImage(layer) | ImageLayer | Converts a generic layer object into an image layer | < 9.5 |
LayerAsNote LayerAsNote(layer) | NoteLayer | < 9.5 | |
LayerAsParticle LayerAsParticle(layer) | ParticleLayer | Converts a generic layer object into a particle layer | < 9.5 |
LayerAsSwitch LayerAsSwitch(layer) | SwitchLayer | Converts a generic layer object into a switch layer | < 9.5 |
LayerAsVector LayerAsVector(layer) | MeshLayer | < 9.5 | |
LayersWindowGetSearchContext LayersWindowGetSearchContext() | Moho Class Object | Added in version 12.2 | 12.2 |
LayersWindowGetSearchContextValue LayersWindowGetSearchContextValue() | char | Added in version 12.2 | 12.2 |
LayersWindowSetSearchContext LayersWindowSetSearchContext(context) | void | Added in version 12.2 | 12.2 |
LayersWindowSetSearchContextValue LayersWindowSetSearchContextValue(val) | void | Added in version 12.2 | 12.2 |
LoadDocument LoadDocument(path) | MohoDoc | < 9.5 | |
Mesh Mesh() | M_Mesh | Returns the 2D mesh associated with the currently active layer | < 9.5 |
Mesh3D Mesh3D() | M_Mesh3D | Returns the 3D mesh object associated with the current layer | < 9.5 |
NewKeyframe NewKeyframe(channel) | void | Tells the timeline window to display a new keyframe in the specified animation channel | < 9.5 |
NewShapeFillColor NewShapeFillColor() | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
NewShapeLineColor NewShapeLineColor() | rgb_color | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
NewShapeLineWidth NewShapeLineWidth() | real | Returns what the line width would be for a new shape | < 9.5 |
NewShapeProperties NewShapeProperties() | M_Shape | < 9.5 | |
NoiseVector NoiseVector(pos, amp, freq) | Vector3 | Generates a semi-random vector | < 9.5 |
OpenPoserPalette OpenPoserPalette() | void | < 9.5 | |
ParentSkeleton ParentSkeleton() | M_Skeleton | Returns the skeleton object associated with the parent layer of the current layer | < 9.5 |
Paste Paste() | void | Basically the same as pressing Ctrl+V | < 9.5 |
PasteAlternate PasteAlternate() | void | < 9.5 | |
PickStyleProperties PickStyleProperties(fromShape) | void | < 9.5 | |
PixelToDoc PixelToDoc(pixel) | real | When the user specifies things like line width, blur radius, and shadow offset in Moho, they enter a value in pixels | < 9.5 |
PlaceLayerBehindAnother PlaceLayerBehindAnother(moveLayer, behindThis) | void | Moves one layer behind (or below) another in the layer ordering | < 9.5 |
PlaceLayerInGroup PlaceLayerInGroup(child, group, top, isUndoable) | void | Moves a layer into a group | < 9.5 |
PurgeTracingImage PurgeTracingImage() | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
PushStyleProperties PushStyleProperties(toShape) | void | < 9.5 | |
Quit Quit() | void | < 9.5 | |
RestoreTracingImage RestoreTracingImage() | bool | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
SaveTracingImage SaveTracingImage() | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
SelectedShape SelectedShape() | M_Shape | Returns the first selected shape, but starting in version 10 there may be multiple selected shapes. (This method added in version 10) | 10.0 |
SetCurFrame SetCurFrame(frame, outAccess) | void | Set the current time | < 9.5 |
SetNewShapeLineWidth SetNewShapeLineWidth(width);) | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
SetSelLayer SetSelLayer(layer, multiSelect, allowDeselect) | void | Changes which layer is selected in the Layers window | < 9.5 |
ShowLayerInLayersPalette ShowLayerInLayersPalette(layer) | void | < 9.5 | |
Skeleton Skeleton() | M_Skeleton | Returns the skeleton object associated with the current layer | < 9.5 |
SnapToGrid SnapToGrid(v) | void | Takes a vector position and "snaps" it to the nearest grid intersection | < 9.5 |
TraceWhitePixels TraceWhitePixels(frame, gapFilling) | int32 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
UpdateBonePointSelection UpdateBonePointSelection() | void | Selects the points that are bound to the currently selected bone | < 9.5 |
UpdateSelectedChannels UpdateSelectedChannels() | void | Updates the display of "selected" channels in the timeline | < 9.5 |
UpdateUI UpdateUI() | void | Force the user interface to redraw itself | < 9.5 |
UserAppDir UserAppDir() | char | < 9.5 | |
UserContentDir UserContentDir() | char | The path to the directory structure that holds User Content. | 13.5.2 |
UserPrefsDir UserPrefsDir() | char | 13.5.2 | |
UserPrefsFile UserPrefsFile() | char | 13.5.2 |
Properties of ScriptInterface:
Name | Type | Description | Ver |
document | MohoDoc | The current document object open in Moho | < 9.5 |
drawingFrame | int32 | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
drawingLayer | MohoLayer | Added in version 11. This is the vector layer where drawn paths / shapes will be placed and, especially when using frame-by-frame, is not necessarily the layer that is shown as active in the Layers window | 11.0 |
drawingLayerFrame | int32 | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
frame | int32 | The current frame in the timeline | < 9.5 |
gridOn | bool | True if the grid is turned on in the editing view, otherwise false | < 9.5 |
gridSize | real | The size of one grid unit | < 9.5 |
layer | MohoLayer | The currently selected layer in the Layers window | < 9.5 |
layerFrame | int32 | the frame relative to the start of the layer (if the layer has not been moved in the sequencer this will be the same as the timeline frame) | < 9.5 |
view | MohoView | The editing view | < 9.5 |