Class XGraphics
Version added: before 9.5
The XGraphics class provides no additional functions for scripts to use at this time.
Methods inherited from LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
GPUMode GPUMode() | bool | Added in version 14.0 to replace LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:OpenGLMode | 14.0 |
OpenGLMode OpenGLMode() | bool | Added in version 11. In Moho 14.0 replaced by LM_Graphics_OpenGL_Fixed:GPUMode | 11.0 |
Methods inherited from LM_Graphics:
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
AddLine AddLine(end1, end2) | void | Add a line segment to the current enclosed shape | < 9.5 |
ApplyMatrix ApplyMatrix(matrix) | void | Prepend an arbitrary matrix to the current matrix transform | < 9.5 |
BeginDraw BeginDraw() | void | Call this function before starting any drawing commands | < 9.5 |
BeginPicking BeginPicking(where, pickWidth) | void | Call this function to begin testing whether the user has clicked on an object | < 9.5 |
BeginShape BeginShape() | void | Begin drawing an enclosed shape | < 9.5 |
Clear Clear(r, g, b, a) | void | Clear the drawing area | < 9.5 |
CurrentScale CurrentScale(ignoreZoom) | real | Returns the current scale of the drawing | < 9.5 |
CurrentTransform CurrentTransform() | Matrix | Returns the current matrix transformation | < 9.5 |
DrawDiamondMarker DrawDiamondMarker(xf, yf, radius) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
DrawDiamondMarker DrawDiamondMarker(xf, yf, zf, radius) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
DrawFatLine DrawFatLine(width, x1, y1, x2, y2) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
DrawFatLine2 DrawFatLine2(width1, width2, x1, y1, x2, y2) | void | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
DrawFatMarker DrawFatMarker(xf, yf, radius) | void | Draw a fat marker | < 9.5 |
DrawLine DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) | void | Draw a line between two pixels | < 9.5 |
DrawMarker DrawMarker(xf, yf) | void | Draw a marker (for example, the control points on Moho curves) | < 9.5 |
EndDraw EndDraw() | void | Call this function when you're finished with all drawing operations | < 9.5 |
EndShape EndShape() | void | End the current enclosed shape and draw it on the screen | < 9.5 |
FillCircle FillCircle(center, radius) | void | Draw a filled circle | < 9.5 |
FillCirclePixelRadius FillCirclePixelRadius(center, radius) | void | < 9.5 | |
FillOval FillOval(r) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
FloodFill FloodFill(seedX, seedY) | bool | < 9.5 | |
FrameCircle FrameCircle(center, radius) | void | Draw a circle outline | < 9.5 |
FrameCirclePixelRadius FrameCirclePixelRadius(center, radius) | void | < 9.5 | |
FrameOval FrameOval(r) | void | Added in version 9.5 | 9.5 |
Height Height() | int32 | Returns the height in pixels of the drawing area | < 9.5 |
IsFullWhite IsFullWhite(where) | bool | Test whether a given pixel is 100% white | < 9.5 |
LineTo LineTo(x, y) | void | Draw a line from the current pen position to the given pixel | < 9.5 |
LineTo LineTo(x, y) | void | Draw a line from the current pen position to the given pixel | < 9.5 |
MoveTo MoveTo(x, y) | void | Move the pen location to a given pixel | < 9.5 |
MoveTo MoveTo(x, y) | void | Move the pen location to a given pixel | < 9.5 |
Pick Pick() | bool | After drawing an object, call this function to see if it was clicked on by the user | < 9.5 |
Pop Pop() | void | Pop the current matrix stack | < 9.5 |
Push Push() | void | Push the current matrix stack | < 9.5 |
Rotate Rotate(angle) | void | Prepend a rotation to the current matrix transform | < 9.5 |
Scale Scale(sx, sy) | void | Prepend a 2D scale to the current matrix transform | < 9.5 |
ScreenToWorld ScreenToWorld(where, pt) | void | Converts a screen pixel location to 2D world coordinates | < 9.5 |
ScreenToWorld ScreenToWorld(where, pt) | void | Converts a screen pixel location to 3D world coordinates | < 9.5 |
SelectionRect SelectionRect(r, fillRect) | void | Draw a selection rectangle | < 9.5 |
SetBezierTolerance SetBezierTolerance(pixels) | void | < 9.5 | |
SetColor SetColor(color) | void | Sets the drawing color for subsequent drawing operations | < 9.5 |
SetColor SetColor(r, g, b, a) | void | Sets the drawing color for subsequent drawing operations | < 9.5 |
SetPenWidth SetPenWidth(w) | void | Sets the width in pixels for line drawing operations | < 9.5 |
SetSmoothing SetSmoothing(value) | void | Turns on or off smoothing (antialaising) for drawing operations | < 9.5 |
SetViewMode SetViewMode(mode) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
SetViewOffset SetViewOffset(offsetX, offsetY) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
SetViewPixelScaling SetViewPixelScaling(pixelScaling) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
SetViewRotation SetViewRotation(angle) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
SetViewZoom SetViewZoom(z) | void | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
Translate Translate(dx, dy) | void | Prepend a 2D translation to the current matrix transform | < 9.5 |
ViewMode ViewMode() | int32 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
ViewOffset ViewOffset() | Vector2 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
ViewPixelScaling ViewPixelScaling() | int32 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
ViewRotation ViewRotation() | real | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
ViewZoom ViewZoom() | real | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
Width Width() | int32 | Returns the width in pixels of the drawing area | < 9.5 |
WorldToScreen WorldToScreen(pt, where) | bool | Converts a 2D world position to a screen pixel location | < 9.5 |
WorldToScreen WorldToScreen(pt, where) | bool | Converts a 2D world position to a screen pixel location | < 9.5 |