ScriptInterface:CreateShape(filled, behindNeighborStrokes, frame, checkForBadShapes, skipDuplicateStrokes, skipFill, skipLine)

Version added: before 9.5


Name Type Description Default Ver
filled bool True to create a filled shape, false to create an outline only < 9.5
behindNeighborStrokes bool false < 9.5
frame int32 Frame number to create the shape at -1000000 < 9.5
checkForBadShapes bool True to first do extra testing for "bad" or illegal shapes true < 9.5
skipDuplicateStrokes bool false < 9.5
skipFill bool false < 9.5
skipLine bool false < 9.5

Return value:

int32 id number of the new shape
Creates a shape based on the currently selected vector points. Not all shapes are "legal" (for example, non-closed fill shapes), so if this function fails it will return -1.
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