M_Mesh:AddPoint(pos, attachID, frame)

Version added: before 9.5

Add a new point to the mesh

posVector2Location of the new point< 9.5
attachIDint32If -1, then start a new curve, otherwise attach the new point to this point id< 9.5
frameint32Frame number< 9.5

Return type : none

Add a new point to the mesh. This function can behave in three ways:

start a new curve separate from any existing curve (attachID = -1);
insert a point into an existing curve (and thus splitting a segment) (attachID is not a curve endpoint)
extend an existing curve (attachID is a curve endpoint)


calling AddPoint after AddLonePoint appears to cause moho to crash

It does not appear to be possible to create a branched curve using this function alone (it seems to be necessary to create a new curve and weld it to an existing curve point)
String "AddPoint" is found in the following scripts:

Paint Bucket + (by Danfield)

SS - Multi Layer Transform Points (by simplsam)

HS Shape (by hayasidist)

SS - SVG Import (by simplsam)

Spirograph (by hayasidist)

See all...