M_Mesh:AddPoint(pos, attachCurve, attachSeg, frame, correctBezierHandles, preserveCorners)

Version added: before 9.5

Add a new point to the mesh (modified in 12.0)

posVector2Location of the new point< 9.5
attachCurveint32If -1, then start a new curve, otherwise attach the new point to this point id< 9.5
attachSegint32Curve segment id to attach to< 9.5
frameint32Frame number< 9.5
correctBezierHandlesboolAdded in version 12true12
preserveCornersboolAdded in version 12false12

Return type : none

The last two arguments were added in 12.0.
String "AddPoint" is found in the following scripts:

Paint Bucket + (by Danfield)

SS - Multi Layer Transform Points (by simplsam)

HS Shape (by hayasidist)

SS - SVG Import (by simplsam)

Spirograph (by hayasidist)

See all...