Module LM.GUI
LM.GUI is a user interface module that is built on top of Anime Studio's cross-platform user interface library. Scripts can use the user interface widgets in this module to build dialog boxes, and to set up custom interfaces for toolbar buttons.
Name | Returns | Description | Ver |
Alert Alert(alertType, str1, str2, str3, but1, but2, but3) | int | Presents the user with an alert box | < 9.5 |
AngleWidget AngleWidget(msg, horizontal) | LM_AngleWidget | Creates a new LM_AngleWidget object | < 9.5 |
Button Button(label, msg) | LM_Button | Creates a new LM_Button object | < 9.5 |
CheckBox CheckBox(label, msg) | LM_CheckBox | Creates a new LM_CheckBox object | < 9.5 |
ColorSwatch ColorSwatch(allowAlpha, msg) | LM_ColorSwatch | Creates a new LM_ColorSwatch object | < 9.5 |
Cursor Cursor(path, hotX, hotY) | Moho Class Object | < 9.5 | |
Divider Divider(vertical) | LM_Divider | Creates a new LM_Divider object | < 9.5 |
DynamicText DynamicText(label, width) | LM_DynamicText | Creates a new LM_DynamicText object | < 9.5 |
ImageButton ImageButton(path, tooltip, checkbox, msg, recolor) | LM_Button | Creates a button with a .png image background | < 9.5 |
ImagePopupMenu ImagePopupMenu(path, radioMode, recolor) | LM_PopupMenu | Added in version 11.1 | 11.1 |
ImageTextList ImageTextList(width, height, msg) | LM_ImageTextList | Creates a new LM_ImageTextList object | 12.2 |
Menu Menu(title) | LM_Menu | Creates a new LM_Menu object | < 9.5 |
OpenFile OpenFile(caption) | char | Prompts the user to select a file to open | < 9.5 |
PopupDialog PopupDialog(label, lockOpen, msg) | LM_PopupDialog | Creates a new LM_PopupDialog object | < 9.5 |
PopupMenu PopupMenu(width, radioMode) | LM_PopupMenu | Creates a new LM_PopupMenu object | < 9.5 |
RadioButton RadioButton(label, msg) | LM_RadioButton | Creates a new LM_RadioButton object | < 9.5 |
SaveFile SaveFile(caption) | char | Prompts the user to select a file to save | < 9.5 |
ScrollBar ScrollBar(length, vertical, msg, resizingMode) | LM_ScrollBar | Creates a new LM_ScrollBar object | < 9.5 |
SelectFolder SelectFolder(caption) | char | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
ShortButton ShortButton(label, msg) | LM_ShortButton | Creates a new LM_ShortButton object | 13.5.2 |
ShortColorSwatch ShortColorSwatch(allowAlpha, msg) | LM_ColorSwatch | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
SimpleDialog SimpleDialog(title, subClass) | LM_SimpleDialog | Creates a new LM_SimpleDialog object | < 9.5 |
Slider Slider(length, vertical, showTicks, msg, resizingMode) | LM_Slider | Creates a new LM_Slider object | < 9.5 |
StaticText StaticText(label) | LM_StaticText | Creates a new LM_StaticText object | < 9.5 |
TextControl TextControl(width, text, msg, fieldType, label) | LM_TextControl | Creates a new LM_TextControl object | < 9.5 |
TextList TextList(width, height, msg) | LM_TextList | Creates a new LM_TextList object | < 9.5 |
Alert boxes
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO | 0 | This type of alert is used to give the user non-critical information. | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALERT_QUESTION | 2 | This type of alert is used to ask the user a question. | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING | 1 | This type of alert is used to warn the user (perhaps that they are about to perform some action that cannot be undone). | < 9.5 |
Control alignment
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_BOTTOM | 2 | Align control on the bottom side of its container | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER | 1 | Align control in the center of its container | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL | 3 | Resize control to fill its container | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT | 0 | Align control on the left side of its container | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_RIGHT | 2 | Align control on the right side of its container | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.ALIGN_TOP | 0 | Align control on the top side of its container | < 9.5 |
Dialog messages
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.MSG_BASE | -40000 | The starting message code for use by Moho scripts | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.MSG_CANCEL | -1008 | The user clicked Cancel or pressed escape | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.MSG_OK | -1007 | The user clicked OK or pressed enter | < 9.5 |
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.FOLLOW_BOTTOM | 8 | < 9.5 | |
LM.GUI.FOLLOW_LEFT | 1 | < 9.5 | |
LM.GUI.FOLLOW_RIGHT | 4 | < 9.5 | |
LM.GUI.FOLLOW_TOP | 2 | < 9.5 |
Key codes
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.KEY_BACKSPACE | -4 | The Backspace key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_BIND | -50 | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
LM.GUI.KEY_DELETE | -5 | The Delete key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_DESELECT | -51 | Added in version 11 | 11.0 |
LM.GUI.KEY_DOWN | -13 | The down arrow key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_END | -7 | The End key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_ESCAPE | -2 | The Escape key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F1 | -20 | The F1 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F10 | -29 | The F10 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F11 | -30 | The F11 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F12 | -31 | The F12 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F2 | -21 | The F2 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F3 | -22 | The F3 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F4 | -23 | The F4 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F5 | -24 | The F5 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F6 | -25 | The F6 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F7 | -26 | The F7 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F8 | -27 | The F8 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_F9 | -28 | The F9 key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_HOME | -6 | The Home key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_LEFT | -10 | The left arrow key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_PAGEDOWN | -9 | The Page Down key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_PAGEUP | -8 | The Page Up key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_RETURN | -1 | The Return or Enter key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_RIGHT | -12 | The right arrow key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_TAB | -3 | The Tab key | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.KEY_UP | -11 | The up arrow key | < 9.5 |
Layout padding
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.DEFAULT_INDENT | 16 | The default amount of indentation | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.DEFAULT_PADDING | 8 | The default amount of padding | < 9.5 |
Text controls
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.FIELD_FLOAT | 2 | A text control that only accepts floating-point input | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.FIELD_INT | 1 | A text control that only accepts integer input | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.FIELD_NODIGITS | 5 | A text control that does not accept any numerical input | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.FIELD_TEXT | 0 | A regular text control | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.FIELD_UFLOAT | 4 | A text control that only accepts non-negative floating-point input | < 9.5 |
LM.GUI.FIELD_UINT | 3 | A text control that only accepts non-negative integer input | < 9.5 |
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.UNIT_DEGREES | 2 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_FPS | 3 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_FRAMES | 5 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_MULT | 4 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_NONE | -1 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_PERCENT | 0 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
LM.GUI.UNIT_PIXELS | 1 | Added in version 14.0 | 14.0 |
View mode
Name | Value | Description | Ver |
LM.GUI.VIEW_MODE_PIXEL | 1 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |
LM.GUI.VIEW_MODE_VECTOR | 2 | Added in version 10 | 10.0 |