Module LM.GUI

LM.GUI is a user interface module that is built on top of Anime Studio's cross-platform user interface library. Scripts can use the user interface widgets in this module to build dialog boxes, and to set up custom interfaces for toolbar buttons.


Name Returns Description Ver
Alert Alert(alertType, str1, str2, str3, but1, but2, but3) int Presents the user with an alert box < 9.5
AngleWidget AngleWidget(msg, horizontal) LM_AngleWidget Creates a new LM_AngleWidget object < 9.5
Button Button(label, msg) LM_Button Creates a new LM_Button object < 9.5
CheckBox CheckBox(label, msg) LM_CheckBox Creates a new LM_CheckBox object < 9.5
ColorSwatch ColorSwatch(allowAlpha, msg) LM_ColorSwatch Creates a new LM_ColorSwatch object < 9.5
Cursor Cursor(path, hotX, hotY) Moho Class Object < 9.5
Divider Divider(vertical) LM_Divider Creates a new LM_Divider object < 9.5
DynamicText DynamicText(label, width) LM_DynamicText Creates a new LM_DynamicText object < 9.5
ImageButton ImageButton(path, tooltip, checkbox, msg, recolor) LM_Button Creates a button with a .png image background < 9.5
ImagePopupMenu ImagePopupMenu(path, radioMode, recolor) LM_PopupMenu Added in version 11.1 11.1
ImageTextList ImageTextList(width, height, msg) LM_ImageTextList Creates a new LM_ImageTextList object 12.2
Menu Menu(title) LM_Menu Creates a new LM_Menu object < 9.5
OpenFile OpenFile(caption) char Prompts the user to select a file to open < 9.5
PopupDialog PopupDialog(label, lockOpen, msg) LM_PopupDialog Creates a new LM_PopupDialog object < 9.5
PopupMenu PopupMenu(width, radioMode) LM_PopupMenu Creates a new LM_PopupMenu object < 9.5
RadioButton RadioButton(label, msg) LM_RadioButton Creates a new LM_RadioButton object < 9.5
SaveFile SaveFile(caption) char Prompts the user to select a file to save < 9.5
ScrollBar ScrollBar(length, vertical, msg, resizingMode) LM_ScrollBar Creates a new LM_ScrollBar object < 9.5
SelectFolder SelectFolder(caption) char Added in version 11 11.0
ShortButton ShortButton(label, msg) LM_ShortButton Creates a new LM_ShortButton object 13.5.2
ShortColorSwatch ShortColorSwatch(allowAlpha, msg) LM_ColorSwatch Added in version 10 10.0
SimpleDialog SimpleDialog(title, subClass) LM_SimpleDialog Creates a new LM_SimpleDialog object < 9.5
Slider Slider(length, vertical, showTicks, msg, resizingMode) LM_Slider Creates a new LM_Slider object < 9.5
StaticText StaticText(label) LM_StaticText Creates a new LM_StaticText object < 9.5
TextControl TextControl(width, text, msg, fieldType, label) LM_TextControl Creates a new LM_TextControl object < 9.5
TextList TextList(width, height, msg) LM_TextList Creates a new LM_TextList object < 9.5


Alert boxes

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.ALERT_INFO 0 This type of alert is used to give the user non-critical information. < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALERT_QUESTION 2 This type of alert is used to ask the user a question. < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALERT_WARNING 1 This type of alert is used to warn the user (perhaps that they are about to perform some action that cannot be undone). < 9.5

Control alignment

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.ALIGN_BOTTOM 2 Align control on the bottom side of its container < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALIGN_CENTER 1 Align control in the center of its container < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALIGN_FILL 3 Resize control to fill its container < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALIGN_LEFT 0 Align control on the left side of its container < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALIGN_RIGHT 2 Align control on the right side of its container < 9.5
LM.GUI.ALIGN_TOP 0 Align control on the top side of its container < 9.5

Dialog messages

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.MSG_BASE -40000 The starting message code for use by Moho scripts < 9.5
LM.GUI.MSG_CANCEL -1008 The user clicked Cancel or pressed escape < 9.5
LM.GUI.MSG_OK -1007 The user clicked OK or pressed enter < 9.5


Name Value Description Ver

Key codes

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.KEY_BACKSPACE -4 The Backspace key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_BIND -50 Added in version 11 11.0
LM.GUI.KEY_DELETE -5 The Delete key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_DESELECT -51 Added in version 11 11.0
LM.GUI.KEY_DOWN -13 The down arrow key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_END -7 The End key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_ESCAPE -2 The Escape key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F1 -20 The F1 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F10 -29 The F10 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F11 -30 The F11 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F12 -31 The F12 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F2 -21 The F2 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F3 -22 The F3 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F4 -23 The F4 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F5 -24 The F5 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F6 -25 The F6 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F7 -26 The F7 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F8 -27 The F8 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_F9 -28 The F9 key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_HOME -6 The Home key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_LEFT -10 The left arrow key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_PAGEDOWN -9 The Page Down key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_PAGEUP -8 The Page Up key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_RETURN -1 The Return or Enter key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_RIGHT -12 The right arrow key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_TAB -3 The Tab key < 9.5
LM.GUI.KEY_UP -11 The up arrow key < 9.5

Layout padding

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.DEFAULT_INDENT 16 The default amount of indentation < 9.5
LM.GUI.DEFAULT_PADDING 8 The default amount of padding < 9.5

Text controls

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.FIELD_FLOAT 2 A text control that only accepts floating-point input < 9.5
LM.GUI.FIELD_INT 1 A text control that only accepts integer input < 9.5
LM.GUI.FIELD_NODIGITS 5 A text control that does not accept any numerical input < 9.5
LM.GUI.FIELD_TEXT 0 A regular text control < 9.5
LM.GUI.FIELD_UFLOAT 4 A text control that only accepts non-negative floating-point input < 9.5
LM.GUI.FIELD_UINT 3 A text control that only accepts non-negative integer input < 9.5


Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.UNIT_DEGREES 2 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_FPS 3 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_FRAMES 5 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_MULT 4 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_NONE -1 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_PERCENT 0 Added in version 14.0 14.0
LM.GUI.UNIT_PIXELS 1 Added in version 14.0 14.0

View mode

Name Value Description Ver
LM.GUI.VIEW_MODE_PIXEL 1 Added in version 10 10.0
LM.GUI.VIEW_MODE_VECTOR 2 Added in version 10 10.0