
Version added: before 9.5

Returns one of the points making up the curve (use 0 for the first point on the curve)

idint32Id number of the point< 9.5

Return type (M_Point): a point on the curve

Returns the M_Point object for the identified curve point.

Note that the curve point numbers are not the same as mesh point numbers.

In a curve, the points are numbered sequentially from start to end.
It is possible that curve points 0, 1, 2, 3, ... map to mesh points 0, 5, 3, 4 ... or, indeed, any other sequence.
If the curve is branched, a mesh point may appear more than once in a curve. e.g. curve points 0,1,2,3,4,5 could map to mesh points 0,3,1,2,3,4 (here, curve points 1 and 4 are the same mesh point)

Also note that a mesh point may be part of more than one curve. (see class M_Point)
String "Point" is found in the following scripts:

Paint Bucket + (by Danfield)

MR Path (by eugenebabich)

Cut Points to new Layer (by Lukas)

SS - Multi Layer Transform Points (by simplsam)

MR Tween Machine (by eugenebabich)

See all...